Talk Channel: "Comment or ask a question"/ Comente o pregunte (week 264) in the WOX

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 months ago (edited)

The idea of "Talk Channel"

The "talk channel" was created to share ideas and answer questions and concerns that you may have, being attended directly by the work team of the World Of Xpilar community, headed by the friend @xpilar. This channel is available to everyone, so I invite you to participate by leaving your concerns, questions, answers and ideas you have related to the platform..

El "canal de conversación" fue creado para compartir ideas y responder las preguntas e inquietudes que puedan tener, siendo atendidos de manera directa por el equipo de trabajo de la comunidad World Of Xpilar, encabezado por el amigo @xpilar. Este canal está dispuesto para todos, por ello, los invito a participar dejando sus inquietudes, preguntas, respuestas e ideas que estén relacionado a la plataforma.

Theme this week:

#Questions, Answers and CommentsPreguntas, Respuestas y Comentarios
1Have you ever supported a developer? What do you think of @remlaps-lite delegation plan to support them?¿Alguna vez has apoyado a un desarrollador? ¿Qué opinas del plan de delegación de @remlaps-lite para apoyarlos?
2Which witnesses have you seen to be the most active? Have you received any support or comments from them?¿Cuáles son los testigos que has visto más activos? ¿Has recibido algún apoyo o comentario de ellos?
3Have you played the game steem-retrogames? What games do you want to see developed on the Steem blockchain?. What benefits do they generate for Steem?¿Has jugado al juego steem-retrogames? ¿Qué juegos te gustaría que se desarrollaran en la cadena de bloques de Steem?. ¿Qué beneficios generan para Steem?

These and other points we can discuss during this week.

Estos y otros puntos los podemos discutir durante esta semana.

Participate by leaving your comments, questions or answers here.

Participa, dejando su comentario, preguntas o respuestas aquí.

If you have a question about Steemit, please ask it here. / Si tienes una pregunta sobre Steemit, hazla aquí.

Talk Channel

The post "Talk Channel" is published weekly, every Monday and is open to everyone the whole week. And there we should all appreciate comments and responses to each other.

El post "Canal de conversación " se publica semanalmente, todos los lunes y está abierto a todo el mundo durante toda la semana. Y en él, todos debemos agradecer los comentarios y las respuestas de los demás.

  • Yes, we need to talk to each other as well.

Sí, también tenemos que hablar entre nosotros

Everyone is invited to speak on the topics of their choice.


Tell us a little bit about your "experience, criteria and/or doubts" regarding the Steemit platform, have the opportunity to answer or join other comments that the community may be making in the channel.Cuéntanos un poco sobre tu "experiencia, criterio y/o dudas" con respecto a la plataforma Steemit, ten la oportunidad de responder o unirte a otros comentarios que la comunidad pueda estar haciendo en el canal.

We also invite other connoisseurs of the subject to present themselves here on "Talk Channel"."

In the "talk channel" we or you can also post a topic that needs a review, for example tools on Steem or other things you want to know about Built with ♥ by @steemchiller



Thanks for the mention! Just one point of clarification on this:

Have you ever supported a witness? What do you think about @remlaps-lite delegation plan to support them?

Developer Delegation Day was intended to support developers, not necessarily witnesses. Witnesses already get rewarded by the blockchain.

 2 months ago 

Thank you very much for the observation, it is already corrected.

We will try to promote that dynamic of support.

My questions goes thus....

Why does steemit doesn't have an official mobile application but only web site? And would it be ever possible to interact with voice notes on this platform?

There is a mobile app steemmobile and it is used. You can recognize it if you see certain comments.
There's a line around those comments I believe green. A plus of this app is you can see how much VP you have if you vote and and if the Steemit site is down or hard to reach the app in most cases still works.

In the old days there were several apps. First I used peakD and next Partiko. I really liked that one. I am not sure if have an app as well but they have a site.

Next to that the app EverSteem is developed. If you use this app you can also upvote posts that has past the seven 7 (we had steem bounty years ago).

Steemit Atlas is also worth the try if you write about a place you can click on the world map find that place and next make your post. Who know great if you have an exposition and write about it and share photos of your drawings/paintings?

You want to speak instead of talk?

@remlaps @pennsif can you answer this question?

You want to speak instead of talk?

@remlaps @pennsif can you answer this question?

I don't think I'm aware of any apps that provide this service. Sorry.

 2 months ago (edited)

Thank you very much for this insight. I know of Partiko the, never knew Peakd had a mobile app though. I'll try to find one of these that catches my fancy. Thank you so much Kitty.

Yeah, I prefer to hear voices sometimes.

Peakd is no longer active on Steemit.
The steemnobile app is you can find in the playstore

EverSteem I guess is still developed or beta?

Oh okay.
Thank you very much. I'll check the availabile ones out.

A German woman makes a video where she talks instead of writes. The youtube link she leaves here. You could do the same. You can talk while at work or talk and show 1 drawing or painting but keep in mind that without text there's nothing to see if the video cannot be watched and what you say cannot be translated. It's the same for pictures. If the internet is slow they cannot be loaded.

Oops.... I would have loved this but the internet issue you just mention is a big one. I have thought about using my TikTok for that before but I guess I just have to stick to my writing for now. Thank you KITTY.

Then write, it's no problem. If you deal with internet connection issues others might well. If photo's ore videos can't be loaded and watched there's nothing left.

Sure I be will. Thank you Kitty.

 2 months ago 

Thanks for the mention of Steem Atlas.

@tezzmax - I believe SteemPro has a mobile version...

Oh okay. Thank you very much for this.

Support a witness

If you vote you support! With your vote you say: Go ahead with whatever you do. I wrote about witnesses x voting in ᔕᑕᗷ ᗰOᑎKEY ᗷᑌᔕIᑎEᔕᔕ why I vote for and deleted witnesses.

It's made clear what the delegation plan is meant for (the developers) which brings me to another question: if the witnesses do not develop what is it they do or what is their share/input?

Witnesses at work/active

It depends if you need someone/them if you notice "activity"
I spoke with a few if I needed help/information which is activity enough. One can't expect they are 24/7 present and helping out. If you ask me this is already more than what is offered if you open an account.

I received support in advice via comments and upvotes and most Steemians do if I see all the bot messages mentioning they are upvoted.

Topics where witnesses helped/responded:

  • hacked accounts + impossibility opening a steemit account
  • problems layout Steemit mobile phone users + upvoting comments only
  • Increasement of farming accounts
  • botto.steem issues
  • Transfering Steem within the Netherlands - options


I did not play retro-games. @cicisaja is better at games than me.
Perhaps games will add a fun aspect to the platform which it lacks. I hear frequently people are suddenly Steemit tired.

@serdak @almaguar @mikitaly

 2 months ago 

What are Steem witnesses?

The Steem blockchain requires a set of people to create blocks and uses a consensus mechanism called delegated proof of stake, or DPOS. The community elects 'witnesses' to act as the network's block producers and governance body. There are 20 full-time witnesses, producing a block every 63-second round. A 21st position is shared by the backup witnesses, who are scheduled proportionally to the amount of stake-weighted community approval they have. Witnesses are compensated with Steem Power for each block they create.

What happens if all witnesses stop and no blocks will be produced? Will the producing of Steem stop and Steem become more valuable?

 2 months ago 

The house of cards will collapse

And all data will be gone? This also means if the power is switched off there's no blockchain and no Steem?

 2 months ago 

Steem will be there, but no blocks/rewards will be produced

 2 months ago 

As well described by friend @xpilar, witnesses are responsible for generating and keeping blocks in optimal working order, so that all operations are executed and stored correctly.

I am glad that you find support from the witnesses when you have needed it, there are several who are very active and sociable with the users, they always take time despite their busyness to answer the users' call.

I find it interesting that games are being developed, a few years ago they had opened a channel where you could bet on hockey, NBA, MLB and soccer but unfortunately, the platform generated some errors that they were unable to solve.

People get tired of many things, let's say they are emotionally unstable, but the truth is that no one should get bored here, we have the free way to share criteria, ideas, or simply our experiences and skills, even Steemit can be an excellent storage disk for photos, in case you don't want to fill up space on your computer.

I think it seems good to support developers with delegation, it is a simple incentive, but one that some will appreciate.

Thank you for sharing with us on our channel.

As well described by friend @xpilar, witnesses are responsible for generating and keeping blocks in optimal working order, so that all operations are executed and stored correctly.

These are just words to me and I am sure most feel that we. We can not picture what that looks like. I doubt it's like piling up lego blocks or prevent the Jenga tower from tumbling down?

I never heard of those games only Splinterland and the ones you mentioned aren't the types I would play. So the games you have in mind are for men only again?
Errors are everywhere not only if we play games it's the same for Steemit, other platforms and games we buy. I assume if the issues can't be solved it's better to close down and try out something new. It's not easy to solve bugs if more bugs are created and it's hard to check every connection it's linked to. Any idea how many played? Did it effect the platform in some way if it comes to commenting or content?

How can Steemit be a storage disk if everyone can steal your content and it's impossible to find your own content back? Also, I would not store my private photos here since private is private. Next to that we have a law where it's forbidden to share photos of people without their permission and of (your own) children. I have no computer I store anything, neither on my phone. I use disks so if it crashed or is dead I still have what I like to save. What is lost I don't care about. If it comes to it there's nothing we can't do without, we clutter to much and it's all extra work and responsibility.

There's nothing wrong with bein paid if hard work and time consuming work is done.

 2 months ago 

I am sure it is more difficult than playing Lego, if it were easy, everyone would be a programmer.

The development of applications and/or games require a lot of knowledge, ideas and financial resources. I think that maybe it can be encouraged that users show their tastes for games, so that developers have clear demands and / or preference. I think games are unisex.

I share your opinion on how deserved a reward can be for those who work it. I have seen several important movements on the platform related to developers, let's hope they can consolidate the projects. The betting portal did not generate discomfort in the community, because it was limited in terms of participation, the participants had contact with the developer to let him know the errors.

Splinterland had its protagonism, the truth is that I don't know if it is still active, and if it yields performance.

Translated with (free version)

I don't believe games are unisex. You will not find many girls playing football or cricket their likes are different although gym teachers always take the lazy way and play games the average girl and even a part of boys don't like. I don't think it's a good start to say that games are unisex. Are there female witnesses, are there female developers, is there female input?
I assume the internet will tell who plays most and what type of games. If Steemians will play it I don't know. Any idea how many play the retro game?

Splinterland is still active and it's still played. There are posts about it and @cicisaja plays it again .

There are more working hard to keep this platform run and they are not all witness or developer. I can name a few and their work should be rewarded as well. It feels to me this is not the case and rewards also flow to those who are merely a name.

Do you have a game in mind you would like to play?Would you skip posting or do you think with that game a different group of people can be attracted?

 2 months ago 

Society has changed. I don't know if in your area women have remained only on the fashion catwalks. Here in America women have stopped being the weaker sex and have shown their ability to play any sport that is normally dominated by men. There are no longer any borders between the two genders.

I like car games, although for the platform I have always thought that alliances should be sought with horse racing betting centers, in that area too much money moves in bets.

I thought you live in Venezuela?

I find it hard to believe all women in the US think like men and like to be bodybuilder, smoking, drinking, scolding and cursing like men. There are plenty female women with different interest. The question is not if women also do sports someone decided once are for men only (in the medieval and long before women also rode horses, pulled triggers, led armies and were emperors and godesses. They were wiped out later by religion) but that if what is developed from the perspective of what men like not automatically is what women like. The way of thinking differs.

A race game could work or the farming, or something to earn points for an uovote or Steem. Peooke love to gamble and shootong games are also popular and the taking care of a pet... (Steemit mascot you should grow from 0 too... Just like we do with our account. A good game can be the steemit game where all aspects of the platform play a role. Powerup, commemting, reasing, upvotong, what if you are hacked? Being a host or guest in a community...

Where are the others? @jiva34 @olivia08 @blessedlife @solperez do you like to play games on Steemit? @cicisaja you?

@wakeupkitty, If there's a game that we will earn, why not. I am not a gamer bit willing to know when someone give effort to teach and guide me. Let me sing, let me write a true story but in terms of games, I have no idea.

About women's right issue, I am living in Saudi Arabia since 1998. All women could not walk alone outside and having flight going to another place unless, someone who is the nearest member of the family like husband, brother of your father or mother or son, are those allowed to go with a certain women here. They were not allowed to work(women only for teacher and a wife). No other profession to study its only for teacher to teach the women or feme national.
They were not allowed to drive a car.

BUT,,, three years ago women got freedom to drive, to work and go out without body guard. Women are now allowed to work and took profession like other country people did. I saw women working at mall now. New way of living for women's here.

Even a housemaid before were not allowed to go out eben throwing a garbage alone but those were the old days. Now I can go to the market alone riding a bus but I won't ride a taxi alone, it's dangerous , driver will hold you or touch you hahaha. I better walk in a long distance alone, I will be safe but 9 months ago, the government's operate bus with cctv or dashboard so driver's behave to all passengers. I availed it and enjoyed my ride going to the market.😊😊😊.
All the time, I am the only passenger. Employers do not allow new housekeeper to go out alone for safety. But me I can, I knew how to travel alone because I act like a national covering myself and never show my face until now eventhough some female national now a day showing their faces.

I act like this because, I respect my employers family who trusted me since day one until now.

I am happy to know about that witness who can help to recover hack account. Now I know where to call if ever any account will be hacked.

I want @gems.and.cookies to join this channel. Thank you @adeljose for this interesting channel and also the @wox.

 2 months ago 

I live in Venezuela.

There are a variety of points of view, especially in virtual games. I think the idea of ​​taking care of a pet is good, maybe designing a development, a city... as users share votes, posts and comments, the player earns resources to buy blocks, windows, doors, cars, etc.

If my account is hacked, I try to communicate with some witnesses, like Steemchiller, while I generate the account recovery case. Several accounts have been recovered, let's hope there are no more attacks.

It would be good if other colleagues shared their ideas.

I'm so far out of "society" altogether that it doesn't even matter to me anymore. Men's roles... Women's roles.. ???? Right now I'm up on the ladder trying to pick the rest of the grapefruits before it dips into 20's F here in North Florida...
personal photo

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