Una vista migliore / A Better Vision (IT/EN)

in Italy3 days ago (edited)

Una vista migliore

Sono un maiale e non importa se ho una buona o cattiva vista. Seguo il mio naso e faccio quello che faccio sempre. Niente lamentele su come i giochi a cui gioco influenzano la mia salute e i miei occhi.
Si può misurare se il gioco fa bene o male alla salute e soprattutto agli occhi? È difficile dirlo perché quando si tratta di ciò che vediamo, il cervello gioca un ruolo importante. È il nostro cervello che dice cosa è rosso, giallo, arancione, cosa è brutto o bello e come vediamo il mondo che ci circonda. Attraverso occhiali colorati (o rosa) o in bianco e nero.

Gli occhi
Chi ci vede è contento ma non è detto che i ciechi non possano vedere i colori la prova è il pittore turco nato cieco di cui ho già parlato e con il cui avvocato ho avuto contatti.

Cos'è una buona vista?
Secondo l'oculista, il 100% è sufficiente e molti vedono notevolmente di più quindi iniziano a vedere meno e poi questo si nota e sono necessari gli occhiali. In passato, questi erano gli occhiali dell'assicurazione sanitaria e quella cosa di ferro era chiaramente riconoscibile e un motivo per essere presi in giro. Oggigiorno, gli occhiali sono un accessorio di moda e tutti vengono convinti ad averne uno (lo stesso vale per gli apparecchi ortodontici e le solette).
L'oculista guadagna bene, proprio come l'ottico medio e anche nel più piccolo paese ne vedi almeno tre. Ti chiedi come riescano a guadagnarsi da vivere (a Trieste ne ho visti almeno 5 o 6 in una via e mentre mi guardavo intorno non li ho visti tutti con gli occhiali).

Io stesso penso che gli occhiali vengano convinti troppo in fretta. La ricerca ha dimostrato che la pigrizia degli occhi si attiva se si indossano sempre gli occhiali (non mi riferisco ai neonati/bambini piccoli/bambini in età prescolare che sono ipovedenti dalla nascita e in genere non alla miopia in giovane età perché questo è un difetto oculare diverso dall'essere ipermetropi che si sviluppa in età più avanzata (durante la pubertà, la vista diminuisce di più come ha già scritto @xiao-aine) ma rimane anche fermo a un certo punto (nonostante il fatto che i muscoli degli occhi diventino più deboli con l'avanzare dell'età).

Sono state condotte molte ricerche sugli effetti del gioco.
Il risultato spesso dipende da ciò che il ricercatore vuole sentire e la ricerca o la domanda vengono adattate anche a questo.
Ciò che si può dire in ogni caso è che il gioco non è malsano di per sé, che è fonte di distrazione, che è rilassante per alcuni, un'esperienza stressante per altri e istruttivo o benefico per altri.

Per giocare, devi essere in grado di percepire e vedere.
Per questo hai bisogno di occhi e cervello.
Entrambi sono essenziali per essere in grado di giocare, così come la capacità di concentrarsi e il riflesso di reagire rapidamente. Ce ne sono di molti tipi diversi, come: giochi per combattere la salute mentale (riduzione di ansia, depressione e gestione dell'ADHD), ci sono sport (fittizi) che puoi fare, giochi di ruolo, simulazioni, avventure (vedi qui, i giochi sono inventati per far fare più esercizio alle persone (Pokémon Go, il contapassi), ci sono giochi educativi e molto altro.
Potrebbe essere interessante scoprire quale di questi giochi causa il deterioramento maggiore della vista (se questo può essere misurato perché un confronto è possibile solo con la persona che gioca e non si sa come e se la vista non si deteriorerebbe se non ci fosse il gioco).

Il gioco fa bene alla salute e alla vista?
La risposta alla domanda è sì se ignoro i dipendenti dal gioco (persone che diventano facilmente ossessionate e dipendenti da qualcosa) e coloro che hanno determinati disturbi agli occhi che presumo peggiorerebbero anche senza che giochino o siedano dietro un dispositivo perderebbero la vista.
Infiammazione agli occhi, mal di testa? È dovuto al gioco o alla luce eccessiva che fissi costantemente, paragonabile a quella che si ha guardando direttamente il sole o un riflettore, potrebbe essere che lo stress del gioco sia semplicemente troppo per te? Abbassa lo schermo del tuo monitor, indossa occhiali da sole (sì, anche al lavoro) e fai qualcos'altro dopo un'ora al massimo. Un blocco temporale sul tuo dispositivo aiuta anche l'adulto dipendente che non è in grado di dare il buon esempio al proprio figlio. Sei sicuro che non sia il tuo cervello ad essere sovraccarico?

Sono un maiale e quando ne ho abbastanza della luce me ne vado e chiudo gli occhi. La vita è così molto più facile. Fai una pausa.

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Better Vision

I am a pig and it does not matter whether I have good or bad vision. I follow my nose and do what I always do. No whining about how the games I play affect my health and my eyes.
Can it be measured whether gaming is good or bad for your health and especially your eyes? This is difficult to say because when it comes to what we see, the brain plays a major role. It is our brain that says what is red, yellow, orange, what is ugly or beautiful and how we see the world around us. Through colored (or rose) glasses or black and white.

The eyes
Those who can see are happy with it but it is not said that blind people cannot see colors. The proof is the blind born [Turkish painter] (xxxx) that I have already discussed and with whose advocate I have had contact.

What is good vision?
According to the ophthalmologist, 100% is enough and many see considerably more so if they see less, this is noticeable and glasses are needed.
In the past, it was the health insurance glasses and that iron thing was clearly recognizable and a reason to be bullied. Nowadays, glasses are a fashion accessory and everyone is talked into having one (the same applied to braces and insoles).
The ophthalmologist earns well, just like the average optician and even in the smallest village you see at least three. You wonder how they can all earn their bread (in Trieste I saw at least 5 or 6 in one street and when I looked around I didn't see all of them wearing glasses).<s/ub>

I believe that glasses are talked into many too quickly. Research has proven that eye laziness is activated if you always wear glasses (I am not talking about babies/toddlers/preschoolers who are visually impaired from birth and generally not about short-sightedness at a young age because this is a different eye defect than being far-sighted that develops at a later age (during puberty, vision decreases the most as @xiao-aine already wrote) but also stands still at a certain point (despite the fact that the eye muscles become weaker as one gets older).

A lot of research has been done on the effect of gaming.
The result often depends on what the researcher wants to hear and the research or the question is also adapted to that.
What can be said in any case is that gaming is not unhealthy in itself, that it is distracting, that it is relaxing for some, a stressful experience for others and educational or beneficial for others.

To play games, you have to be able to perceive and see.
For this you need eyes and brains.
Both are essential to be able to play, as are the ability to concentrate and the reflex to react quickly.
There are many different types such as: games to combat your mental health (reducing anxiety, depression and dealing with ADHD), there are (fictional) sports that you can do, role games, simulations, adventure (see here, games are invented to make people exercise more (pokémon go, the pedometer), there are educational games and much more.
It may be interesting to find out which of these games causes the vision to deteriorate the most (if this can be measured at all because a comparison is only possible with the person who plays and one does not know how and whether the vision would not deteriorate if there was no gaming).

Is gaming beneficial for health and vision?
The answer to the question is yes when I disregard gaming addicts (people who easily become obsessed and addicted to something) and those with certain eye disorders that I assume would also deteriorate without them playing games or sitting behind a device would lose their sight.
Eye inflammation, headache? Is this due to the game or the excessive light that you are constantly staring at, comparable to looking directly at the sun or into a spotlight, could it be that the stress of playing is simply too much for you? Put the screen of your monitor low, put on sunglasses (yes, even at work) and do something else after an hour at most. A time lock on your device also helps the addicted adult who is unable to set a good example for his child. Are you sure it isn't your brain which is overloaded?

I am a pig and when I have had enough of the light I go away and close my eyes.

Screenshot (124).png

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#pic1000 #diginnasio #gaming #health #italygame

@almaguar @grebmot @darthnava can gaming improve health especially eyesight?

 3 days ago 

I agree with you, a break from sight and from any activity helps the brain to rest and the body to relax.
I think that sight is one of the primary senses in a human being, taking care of it is basic, there is another issue, excesses are really bad, everything in moderation is better.
There is another issue : In one of your posts you say that nobody reads your posts, well I will read themI will read them and comment, I consider that if I read, my comment is relevant and fair to your work and that of everyone.
I wish you a happy day

 3 days ago 

You work the entire day with computers did it affect your sight?
Do you do some eye exercise or stare out of the window or simply close your eyes? A great thing of closing your eyes is that the sight (brain) is being reset. For sure it won't help with those who have very bad sight but I experienced this myself. It's helpful to blink a few more times and look the other way. LOL

Thanks for you comment it's appreciated and even if you don't read everything I write or have no time to comment know that I appreciate your intentions.

A great Sunday, don't forget to enjoy and relax (the employer can wait).

A warm embrace to you.


When working from home, it's easier to occasionally step away from the computer. I have NO vision problems. When I go out to lunch, I also disconnect from everything.


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Thank you very much for your support.

Obviously I'm no doctor. Hell, for the most part I'm a fucking donkey, but I do have enough of an imagination to assume there might be ways to improve one's eyesight (beyond wearing glasses). One of which might as well could be specialized video games, or changing your habits for that matter. A bit like good posture in context of avoiding back pain. I suppose sometimes the kid has already fallen into the well though and the best you can do is mitigate the damage.

I've been reading an awful lot recently. Actual books, on paper and everything. Nothing to brag about, I'm just mentioning it because as I'm relearning how to flip pages and so on, I too have been wondering about my eyesight. I've noticed how it takes me a while to adjust focus after reading for a bit. Hence I figured it might be a good idea to look up occaisonally and focus something else, like every few pages or so.
I also realized I was moving my head while reading. Meaning, instead moving my eyes I was turning my neck ever so slightly while tracing lines, probably further weakening those muscles in charge of focus control. Video games for that matter might help with the formation of postive patterns, given how unpredictable some of them are and you being forced to use quick eye-movements. Still, it's a flat plane, so who knows what it does exactly.

Another thing I've heard, as in vaguely remembered hearsay, was some sort of study regarding the negative impact of black on white text layouts. Something something about it making your eyeballs grow or shrink in bad ways and consequently making you worse. But then it also argued this could be reversed using inverted colors. Or rather, using white on black text layouts. Which is nice, because as far as I know bot Linux and Windows have that inversion feature. KDE, that desktop environment for Linux, even lets me invert individual programs and windows.

So yes, I would assume video games might be able to improve your eyesight. And if not, maybe help mantain it. If not through the gameplay itself maybe through dedicated timeouts and mini-games. That said, video games also seem to have the potential to destroy your eyesight. I guess it's complicated.


 3 days ago 

I find it hard to believe that we all are born with bad eyesight and if this is the result of an accident or TV/computere/gaming it cannot be stored in the DNA. It doesn't make sense.
An interesting fact is that some doctors/opticies say there's no need for new glasses if the difference is only 0.25 while others want to sell a new pair and simply don't care if this makes the eyes more lazy
reminds me of my grandpa. He suffered from headaches and although his eyes were fine they gave him... a pair of glasses (or more). I didn't work, the headaches remained and the glasses were like windowglass. The cause of his headaches? Bone cancer.

Video games are already used in therapy and the eye movement is what is needed which means that if that should be triggered certain games can be played while others are more like staring at the screen ((sudoku or something pity for me).

So practised swapping pages of books?
Not too long ago I thought I would be blind because I coudln;t read the the tiny letters so of course the opticien gave me glasses but the made me fill sick and today they are not used because according to another specialist I don't need them.
I did notice that if read outside (or by daylight) I can perfectly read unlike when I am in the kitchen (it's in average dark, no windows LOL).

I tried te videogame with the helmet last year. It was kind of cool but the main problem was that I couldn't focus because it was too close to my face (I felt pity for the dinosaurs that got stuck with it's head underneath a gate can you imagine that!). I heard more people say that gaming with a helmet isn't easy and the eyes have a hard time to focus but can be it has to do with the type of game as well.

How is the donkey?

You should add #diginnasio underneath your great comment

P.s. you can write a bit to gave your eyes some rest from reading. Thanks for being here

Oh, I'm fine. More or less. I guess I could complain about this and that, but it's really not that bad.

How about you?

Oh, regarding your side project. You mentioned sudokus and such, so why not add that and other things? There's a neat thing called dual 'n' back which is meant to improve your short term memory.

 2 days ago 

It's not really my project but the community Italy.
I and others asked around (comment contest, Talkchannel) what people like to play. To me it would be something like sudoku but even there people cheat. I have no idea how long it takes to develop or add a few other games.

Perhaps @kafio works on it? If not I take the booklet and and a pencil.

More or less doesn't sound like good. How is your back?

I had two good nights sleeping on the couch. It was warmer than in my bed LOL, reason the dog and the cat but now I believe I stay there till it's Spring.

My back is ok. Still having some pain here and there but I'm making slow progress. Moving around and stuff, stretching. Developing some kind of routine.

Unrelated, but mentioning bad habits: I have the tendency to edit replies after sending them, like the one above. Must've been ten times or more. Does that stuff actually cost you a lot? Because I feel like I lost like five to ten dollars in overall wallet value while doing it (happened before, I believe). Yet STEEM seems to be up.

 3 days ago 

I edit a billion times and even if I believe I didn't make typos or the sentence is.. I edit and edit again and if I read my comments later I edit again and again. BTW I noticed yesterday that the posts I updated are reset back and the edit is mad undone. A super waste of time and power, I really feel bitter about it. I guess that part of the block I post on is crumbling down?

I should start making backups again. Either or the value of my wallet keeps shrinking despite me not posting anything. I assume it's just crypto bein crypto. Still weird to see that it went from over 210 to 170, but the total amount of STEEM seems consistant.

 2 days ago (edited)

It goes up and down and down or so. I see it if I upvote, not as high. It's about 4 years ago it was high. If you want to invest/work with it, it would have been better to sell and buy when it's low (0.12 or 0.13 or fewer (let's hope not) but that indeed is crypto. So far Trump...

![Screenshot (126).png](https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmTfRPw8gsYRmNG68XZf3B5myYyv5Xf1VuUsyHrMEd3D7n/Screenshot%20(126).png

If you look at steemworld.org/@grebmot you can see the VP value at 100%. If it's lower the value dropped.


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Thank you!

 2 days ago 

"L'oculista guadagna bene, proprio come l'ottico medio e anche nel più piccolo paese ne vedi almeno tre."
E infatti una mia cugina si sta sistemando bene con il fidanzato ottico😂. Però non a Trieste (questi miei parenti, di padre, vivono a Napoli).

 2 days ago 

Sembra un lavoro con cui si può diventare ricchi. La gente rinuncia prima al dentista.

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 2 days ago 

Thank you but how come I cannot see that I've been downvoted?


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