Tormenta di neve/Snowstorm (IT/EN)

in Italy3 months ago

Cos'è questo, chiese il dio del vento.
Dalle nuvole, guardò giù verso una slitta con le renne che sfrecciava via. Cosa ci fa questa cosa lassù in aria?

È il nuovo dio della stagione Babbo Natale, disse il sole accaldato, se fossi in te lo accelererei un po'. Prima che tu te ne accorga non sarai più richiesto.

Idiota, ruggì il vento, cosa stai dicendo, quel ciccione rosso è più richiesto di me? Dove sono i secoli di rispetto?

Il sole sorrise e sparò un raggio caldo al vento che infuriava come un pazzo.

Cosa stava miagolando quel gatto che aveva sentito? Canzoni allegre uscivano dal camino mentre piccole figure erano indaffarate.

Aha, ruggì il vento, è incredibile, quel vecchio pratica il lavoro minorile e si definisce amico dei bambini.

Con una folata, si fermò a terra e osservò lo spettacolo da vicino. Un vecchio grasso che implorava latte e biscotti, una renna ubriaca con un grosso naso rosso e bambini piccoli che venivano sfruttati.

Cosa dovrebbe essere, urlò, in che tipo di mondo viviamo?

È Natale e stiamo festeggiando, dissero all'unisono gli allegri e maltrattati.

Sogno un bianco Natale, fu la canzone successiva che risuonò nella pianura e spaventò gli animali.

Basta, disse il vento.

Scatenò il tornado e lasciò che la neve facesse il suo lavoro. Nel giro di dieci minuti il ​​Natale era finito e tutto era tornato come era stato tanto tempo fa.


What is this, asked the god of the wind.
From the clouds, he looked down at a sleigh with reindeer that shot past. What is this thing doing up in the air?

It is the new god of the season Santa Claus, said the sun heatedly, if I were you I would speed it up a bit. Before you know it you will no longer be in demand.

Idiot, roared the wind, what are you saying, is that red fatso more in demand than me? Where are the centuries of respect?

The sun smiled and fired a warm beam to the wind that was raging like a madman.

What was that cat yowling he heard? Cheerful songs came up from the chimney while little figures were busy.

Aha, roared the wind, it's unbelievable, that old guy practices child labour and calls himself a friend of children.

With a gust, he stood on earth and watched the spectacle from close by. An old fat man begging for milk and cookies, a drunk reindeer with a big red nose. and toddlers who were exploited.

What is that supposed to be, he shouted, what kind of world do we live in?

It's Christmas and we're celebrating, the cheery abused ones said in unison.

I'm dreaming of a white Christmas, was the next song that sounded across the plain and scared the animals away.

Enough is enough, said the wind.

He set off the tornado and let the snow do the job. Within ten minutes Christmas was over and everything was back to how it had been a long time ago.

I used to lay my hands on the picture shown.
The promo is: Tormenta di neve/snowstorm
I used: the god of the wind sends a snowstorm to blow Christmas away
Translation: google - free

@sbamsoneyu @casv @rokhani - generate a picture with "tormenta di neve"

#story #italygame #ai #test #steemexclusive #club75


When the tornado turned into white snow that was about to end the joy of Christmas, Hephaestus saw injustice. He felt the wind was too imposing.
"Don't you see me, wind. Have you never seen my face?" he said while lifting the hammer that had become his weapon as the god of blacksmiths.
The tornado continued to move, making Hephaestus angry. He hit the hammer so that it produced a large fire and melted the snow.
"If you don't stop right now, I will burn everything. Including you."
Seeing Hephaestus really angry, the tornado subsided.
"But I still have to make snow in these months, all of this for the balance of nature. Because if there is no winter, the situation will be worse.
At that time of the argument, Prometeus appeared.
"Friends, we are all brothers. We are all descendants of Kronos and Rhea. So let's sit together to find a middle way. The wind still carries out its duties but we do not destroy all humans. "
"Okay, what do you suggest?" asked Hephaestus.
"Send Hestia to earth to continue to provide the warmth of the hearth to every family who celebrates Christmas. Give every family the opportunity to gather and celebrate the joy of Christmas."
"But should my job of bringing down snow end?"
"No. You still have to bring down snow. Not to destroy hopes and dreams but to create beauty and peace. Let children like @fantvwiki, @ibesso, or @weisser-rabe continue to knit DreamSteem."
"Okay, this is a wiser decision. It is appropriate, because the fire you once took has given you wisdom in your life."

Then Hestia immediately entered each house and burned the fireplace so that the warmth was felt even more. The children sang and rejoiced. Once they went out of the house to make snowmen without fear of the deadly cold. Christmas was cheerful again

 3 months ago 

Hah, that is what you like to believe! Christmas has changed in X-mas. A celebration where no soul loves and it's all about the money and gifts. No layer of snow can cover up the coldness and greed that is inside the souls of all the pretenders.
The fireplace didn't burn as long as expected, the forest protected itself. No way you can cut us down, into pieces let those people build an igloo out of snow. Hestia get out of my way, who says that if snow falls hopes and dreams are destroyed? All you need is a healthy dose of fantasy and if you want to sing, sing with the tunes of the wind.

And the wind blew and blew and felt good. The world changed and in the centre of an icy place stood the castle of the ice queen. Her mood was excellent, rarely overheated and the wind with his temper was her companion. She was proud of the land that had formed itself out of the heaps of snow he blew into her direction and got frozen overnight.

I told you, said the elf, never fight the wind Santa, you will need it more than you like to admit and... the elf hesitated but had to say it because Saint Nick looked awfully pale, and stop drinking Coca-Cola you know it's only good to unclog the toilet.
Both stood in front of the window and watched how the wind became stronger. No way he would carry the old fool away from the Northpole all over the world and with every breath he took dropped the temperature to 5 degrees Celsius.
Let's have a hot chocolate, said the elf, and asked the ice queen to borrow her sledge. As they called the lady refused and said: sorry, I am busy organizing a party for my closest friends. All Christmas needs is creativity and a bit of @cicisaja and @pousinha.

Outside the wind grinned. He was satisfied with the result after all this was his season!

 3 months ago (edited)

All thing is explained in this PDF:
It's in Italian (the authors come from a Protestant Italian reality), but Deepl can help, despite AIs translations aren't perfect. Explained through a funny story🤗

 3 months ago 

Thanks for sharing. An awesom Sunday!

 3 months ago 

A wonderful week♥️

A Santa le salió competencia ¡Ja, Ja!.
Indudablemente Santa tiene más fans y el viento tiene que trabajar muy duro para ocupar su lugar.

El reino de Santa no parece estar tan bien como lo pensamos, el viejo gordo pidiendo galletas y leche, el reno borracho y los niños explotados son decepcionantes.

Ahora comprendo al viento que soñaba una blanca Navidad y creó una tormenta de nieve que termina con la navidad en diez minutos.

Para mí fue un final inesperado y original.

Gracias por compartir, saludos y bendiciones.

 3 months ago 

Puedes volver. La historia no terminó porque @rokhani la continuó y... tampoco podía dejar que él la terminara. jajaja, pero su historia es increíble y estoy feliz de volver a leerlo. ¿Qué dices?

 3 months ago (edited)

Lo de los fans: mi amigo, lo que de veras ocurrió fue un robo de escenario. Imaginá que es tu cumpleaños. Llegan parientes, amigos y conocidos...y se van a la casa de tu vecino a darle la enhorabuena. Sin proporcionarte la menor atención. Navidad es el cumpleaños de Jesús, pero la gente solo piensa en Papá Noel. Además, ¿dónde jamás se vieron trineos, renos, duendes (que, por supuesto, ni existen y nunca existieron) en Israel? ¿Qué tienen que ver con el nacimiento de Jesús? Aunque el personaje de Papá Noel está basado en un anciano generoso que vivió hace siglos en el norte de Europa, no fue él el que dejó la gloria de los cielos por un humilde establo, por una vida terrenal modesta y, al final, para morir en una cruz por culpa de nuestros pecados. Obviamente, Santa Claus tampoco tiene la culpa del robo de la Navidad: la culpa es de la gente que solo se olvida de Dios...

La Navidad actual está muy lejos de su verdadero orígen que es la Natividad, el nacimiento de Jesús El Salvador del Mundo.

Lo hoy es una celebración pagana donde la fe y la historia han quedado olvidados.

Saludos y bendiciones.

 3 months ago 

Tenés razón...

 3 months ago 

Thank you for the upvote. What do you think about the story? Do you celebrate Christmas @adeljose?

Christmas has a touch of magic that influences many people (including me), the joy is felt with the decorations and lights on. In relation to the narrative, I think that the wind can feel disrespected, but not because of Christmas, but because of the fireworks that pollute the environment.

Good post.

 3 months ago 

Is it the touch of magic or is it fantasy that brings magic alive? Now you mention it, it's time to decorate a bit (a tree mainly) let's see how long it will stay and if it isn't eaten by mice.
Fireworks are getting rare with us, it can be used for the follow up. Let's see if anyone will join the story. Thanks for the input.

In my environment we do not believe in Santa Claus, only in the special feeling that nature provides, a cold breeze that is a bit strange since we usually have heat all year round except December.

I say magic, because it is what many people do to put aside the difficulties of life, to be able to give a smile to their loved ones, hopeful that the new year will be better.

 3 months ago 

This time is ideal for children, well some of them have to wrap the gifts hahaha, lies, the gifts come ready from the different stores, the man in question only lends his Christmas profile nothing more, the suit is put on by any person representing him, and those of us who work in Marketing focus on creating everything necessary so that everyone is happy, and especially the children. When I was 7 years old I discovered that there was no such being who delivered the gifts, I felt so bad, I looked at my parents and forgave them for that lie, but well it is tradition, what can we do.

 3 months ago 

Look, I did NOT lie to you, she wraps the clients' gifts.

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