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RE: NewStoryGame 5.3 - Radici di Vita

in Italy4 months ago (edited)

who turned down the proposal. The Dog was right and the proof was in the letter he left in plus e-mails sent. The man thought everyone would believe his lies but he turned out to be a pathological liar and escaped from an institution. The medical records were attached.

che ha rifiutato la proposta. Il cane aveva ragione e la prova era nella lettera che aveva lasciato, oltre che nelle e-mail inviate. L'uomo pensava che tutti avrebbero creduto alle sue bugie, ma si è rivelato un bugiardo patologico ed è scappato da un istituto. Le cartelle cliniche erano allegate.

@saintkelvin17 @khursheedanwar @yancar @ibesso


Maria heard the sound of a message on her small mobile phone. She was surprised as she was watching the video clip that was sent to her with more than 100,000 view. University students protested and held up signs (Help Maria)

Maria told Arturo about the phone call. University students maker Maria happy . Now she knows her plan will be successful with the help of university students protest in her favour .
Maria's faith, solidarity and passion for eco-friendly agriculture are now at moon.

La giornata si è conclusa. La lettera era una prova. Arturo era pericoloso. Che fare? Non accettava un no come risposta. Proprio quando decise di chiamare, arrivarono la polizia e l'ambulanza. Come facevano a sapere che Arturo era qui?
Non si muova, un braccio le cingeva il collo...

The day ended. The circus left and the letter was proof. Arturo was dangerous. What to do? He would not accept no for an answer. Just as she decided to call, police and ambulance arrived. How they know Arturo was here?
Don't move, an arm was around her neck...

Maria si immobilizzò, il cuore battendo forte. Il braccio che la stringeva apparteneva a un ufficiale di polizia in borghese, che le sussurrò: "Stiamo seguendo Arturo da mesi. Non preoccuparti, sei al sicuro." Gli altri agenti immobilizzarono Arturo, mentre l'ambulanza si preparava a portarlo via. Maria si sentì sollevata, sapendo che finalmente...

Maria froze, her heart pounding. The arm around her neck belonged to an undercover police officer, who whispered, "We've been following Arturo for months. Don't worry, you're safe." The other officers restrained Arturo while the ambulance prepared to take him away. Maria felt relieved, knowing that finally...

Sounds interesting 🌝🌝

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