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RE: [ENG-ITA] || Digitaly's weekly contest, Create an image | Il concorso settimanale di Digitaly, Crea un'immagine
Ha ha ha feels like you take the story very serious when it was just my imagination to share as an story that match the keyword "Gambling" by digitaly content host. I like the way you explain the laws and things in the story I've written using a character name Jonathan. Thank you so much friend @wakeupkitty.pal for your kind attention and words on my story. Have a nice day!
Stories, fiction or not are always based on life, since imaginations needs that to sprout, and change into something different.
Jonathan, of course he exists and so do gamblers and they have a huge impact of their families life.
Should a story not be taken seriously? Aren't stories born to pas a certain message or is there a lesson to learn?
For example I would write the same story from a different perspective. Perhaps because I know a Jonathan, I saw the damage and harm of addiction and how gambling has an impact on everything that should be done and men are not the only gamblers or addicts.
A happy day dear friend, the story ended it a bit too abrupt, there was no need to give him brain cancer I wonder where that idea came from.
Ha ha ha that idea come from the bull sh*t in my brain LOL 😂🤣 YES Ofcourse stories for lessons and sometimes from real life too. I know I choose a sad ending for a gambler but when a person don't learn on time they could learn at the end of their life but that is not applied to all and most of the time depends. Anyway, I'm glad that you sink into the story! Thanks once again!