- CRISI CLIMATICA - Non agire è una violazione dei Diritti Umani. / - CLIMATE CRISIS - Failure to act is a violation of Human Rights. [MULTILANGUAGE]

in Italy6 months ago (edited)



Per la prima volta la Corte europea dei diritti umani condanna uno Stato (la Svizzera) per aver preso misure insufficienti contro la crisi climatica.

L'inadeguatezza della politica nel contrastare la crisi climatica costituisce una grave violazione dei diritti umani: lo ha stabilito martedì 9 aprile la Corte Europea dei Diritti Umani (Cedu), l'organismo, con sede a Strasburgo, che ha il compito di garantire il rispetto della Convenzione Europea dei diritti umani.

La Svizzera è stata giudicata responsabile di non avere fatto abbastanza per proteggere i suoi cittadini.

A trascinare le autorità svizzere in Tribunale nove anni fa erano state 2.500 donne dell'associazione "Anziane per il clima" (KlimaSeniorinnen) che sostenevano, e sostengono, di non poter lasciare le loro case durante le ondate di calore senza rischiare gravi conseguenze sulla salute.

La Svizzera si era impegnata a ridurre le emissioni dannose del 20% rispetto ai livelli del 1990 entro il 2020, ma le ha ridotte soltanto del 14%.

In ogni caso la vittoria delle donne svizzere rappresenta un successo per tutti, perché potrebbe influenzare a cascata le sorti di un altro centinaio di ricorsi di questo tipo pendenti in varie corti minori e in attesa di un verdetto.

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Politics have been corrupted if not, the government should be so much capable of rising up and settling those issues but well it is no more like that nowadays

Unfortunately, this is how it is, politics has no interest in doing anything for the planet, it's only interested in its own business.. even shady business.

You are perfectly right. I think one of the things that actually caused it is the fact that our leaders in politics is not ready to change the system thereby the citizens keep suffering or what do you think?

I think the production and financial system has always been based on oil, and no one is willing to lose the economic advantages they have enjoyed until now.
The ecological transition has so many power lobbies opposing it, often with the support of the politicians in charge, and that is why we are so far behind.

Very true on this one. For so many years, the government has so much depend on the oil and currently now it is serving as a disadvantage because there is no other source of revenue. I am so optimistic about what the future holds and I believe it will be better in the future. It is just a matter of time actually

Hopefully, it's only a matter of time and things will improve in the future.

I previously saw your post on the article on the climate crisis. Human rights have been violated due to the climate crisis.
We hope you get out of the climate crisis soon.Best wishes to you.

Unfortunately, climate change is irreversible, we'll never get out of this crisis however, politics could do something to improve our life on the planet.

Oh that's so sad.

True, this situation is very sad.

Climate crisis are the reason of human right. World is also going to face climate changes crisis soon in form of floods and rain.

Floods now happen everywhere even here in Europe and increasingly often. Unfortunately, we are far behind in the fight against climate change.

Even Russia-ukrain and Palestine-israel war increasing CO2 and other gases in air making environment really bad. Soon we have to face it's effects on environment change.

There are more than 50 wars around the world, however, these last 2 worry me, because I see almost every country involved that cannot or will not find a dialogue. In the meantime they are increasing someone's profit from arms sales, and they certainly don't care how much damage they are doing to the planet. It is a very bad time in history.

Even Russia-ukrain and Palestine-israel war increasing CO2 and other gases in air making environment really bad. Soon we have to face it's effects on environment change.

In questo Paese si parla tanto della questione, ma quello che si fa è NIENTE rispetto a quello che si dice, è un problema così chiaro e molti lo ignorano.

Lo ignorano tutti i governi e a questo punto non so nemmeno quanto i cittadini siano interessati. Forse siamo in pochi..

Figuriamoci se è stata condannata la Svizzera sul clima, con noi cosa dovrebbero fare ahahahah?
Qui se ne fregano tutti ricchi, poveri, intelligenti e stupidi, vivono tutti il presente ignorando quanto sia grave la situazione climatica!

Inizio a pensare seriamente che toccherà a noi trovare il modo di sopravvivere a queste nuove condizioni. Mi cercherò un corso di sopravvivenza climatica.. ahahahah non vedo altre soluzioni.

Del clima non frega nulla a nessuno paese, è l'amara verità.

Non ci aspetta un bel futuro..

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Politics have been corrupted if not, the government should be so much capable of rising up and settling those issues but well it is no more like that nowadays

Climate crises should not be happening to the world of humanity. The government should actually address this issue before it goes out of hand

Governments should do something but so far it is just talk and theories then they do nothing.

You are right. And I will say that is because we have a corrupt leadership system in the country. But let's hope for change and probably our government will realise what they need to do and do it

You're right, unfortunately corruption is now found in all governments. It is difficult to find a country free from corruption.

Corruption is really found in the government and it is really affecting the standard of living of people. Quite a pity that innocent souls and citizens are suffering

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