Here's  How  To  Wash  Fruit  And  Vegetables  Well  And  Correctly

in Italy6 days ago


Apart from rice and side dishes as sources of protein and carbohydrates, we are also required to consume all kinds of food as sources of nutrients and vitamins. Usually we can get it through fruit or vegetables.

So it's not surprising that many nutritionists and doctors advise us to consume fruit and vegetables, so that we can get balanced nutrition. But with a note, the fruit and vegetables that we eat must be in clean condition.


Hmmm....imagine if we eat fruit and vegetables, and there are still those little creatures, the caterpillars.

I have a friend who until this moment doesn't want to eat fruit and vegetables anymore.

Why ?
Because in his mind he imagined that he ate fruit and vegetables that had caterpillars in them, and the caterpillars entered his stomach, and then they bred in his stomach. If you then ask, then midiagam, is it approximately safe if you eat fruit and vegetables it turns out that we also eat the caterpillars?

I will try to answer.
The body already has a real defense system against foreign objects that will enter our bodies, including small animals. So the first time a small animal enters it will definitely pass through the stomach. And the stomach secretes gastric acid.

Well, this stomach acid is what then kills small animals that enter our bodies. If, for example, something is not killed by stomach acid, it will continue to our large intestine and small intestine. From our large intestine there are many micro-organisms which we call probiotics will produce lactic acid, and lactic acid which will lower the PH as low as possible.

Well, this PH means that small animals, viruses, bacteria, pactogens will die, so they won't be able to live in our bodies.

So if that happens frequently, of course it will make our immune system weaken yes, because it is attacked by these foreign objects. In certain conditions, such as worm eggs, it is sometimes not killed by stomach acid, or by the PH of lactic acid which is released by good microorganisms. And perhaps this is what develops in our digestion.

All foreign substances including small animals which have been weakened by our immunity, starting from stomach acid, then micro organisms in our digestive tract, all will be destroyed and then excreted through the elimination of the large intestine, namely feces.

So, like that yeah.
Well, my advice, before we process fruit and vegetables, especially before cooking, we must pay attention to one thing, namely we wash the fruit and vegetables well and appropriately. Well, here are several steps, or techniques that you can do, so that you can wash the fruit and vegetables well, and so that the caterpillars which are attached to the fruit and vegetables can come off.

First, Tips for Washing Broccoli Vegetables.


This broccoli is a little different washing it from ordinary vegetables, because this vegetable broccoli is a vegetable full of cavities. So there will be lots of caterpillars, or leftover dirt that sticks to the sides.

  • First we prepare water. Then add 1 spoon of salt

  • Then add lime juice

  • Next, cut the broccoli according to the broccoli stem. But don't be too small either, because broccoli is one of vegetables that quickly softens. So you have to be careful not to overdo it.

Why do you add salt?
So the salt is to remove the caterpillars or dirt to clean the residue of the pesticide. So don't let the vegetables that we consume which are intended for health, end up damaging our health, because they were wrong when processing them.

We leave it for approximately 10 minutes
After that we lift it
Then we drain it
Wait a moment until all the water has gone down. After that, it can be cooked.

Tips for Washing Lettuce Vegetables


Well, you also have to be careful with these lettuce leaves, because the lettuce leaves are susceptible to damage

When you wash lettuce don't be too rough, or don't wash it for too long.

So this is washed in running water.

We remove the leaves one by one, because usually there are still remains of dirt, remains of soil, residue of pesticides.

You don't need to take too long, because if you take too long, the vegetables will change color

Color. If it changes color it means there is nutritional content that was carried when cleaning the vegetables. And actually, there's no need to be too afraid of the caterpillars that are in the vegetables, or the ones that are in the fruit. Because if, for example, the caterpillars are no longer there, that means the pesticide is very strong, so when we consume it, the residue enters our bodies.

If you wash vegetables, don't actually cut them first, leave them whole, then wash them. Because if you cut it, there will be a cavity that will open. The opening of the cavity is what causes the nutritional or vitamin content of the vegetable to decrease.

And as for fruit, actually it's almost the same, in principle the same as vegetables. We wash in flowing water.


So, next, we can consume it directly, we can eat it, depending on what we want to make. So, that's how to wash fruit and vegetables properly and correctly. Don't just put it down and then eat it, eh, your stomach hurts, you complain.

Thank you for reading, hopefully you will get some benefits. Until see you again, success for us all.

Greetings always compact.

By @midiagam


Important for health to consume fruits and vegetables on a daily basis

That's right, because fruit and vegetables contain vitamins and minerals that are good for the body.

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