RE: PHOTOCHAIN Challenge TESTNET - Edition number 70 [ENG | ITA]
Thank you, thank you! @wakeupkitty
Nice kitties - they have such an intrested and promising eyes ;)
As for the game. Kalah is a great game for two players, for a pleasant pastime, ... and it helps for a kid's mind to develop. The rules of course are not clear for the first time, but literally after the third time you become a pro :)
What are you supposed to do: stones are distributed to you and your rival equally, in all small holes. The task is to move stones from your holes to collect them in a large hole ("base") - to win, one should collect more stones than his rival. Stones might be moved according to a certain rules. You take all the stones from one (any) your hole and drop one stone in each and every next hole (including your "base" and your opponent's holes). The movement goes counterclockwise. If your last stone gets you to your "base" - you can make an extra move. If you get into your empty hole - you take this last stone and all the opponent's stones from the matching opponent's hole, and add them directly to your "base".
NB -
stones cannot be taken out of the holes to count them :)
Sounds simple ... simple but addictive! when you have nice stones or cowrie shells in your hands, it's also nice to play and spend time on it.
I thought a Siamese twin would be a great idea for me and @aneukpineung78 but we unexpectedly ended up being a trio (and we can't sing) so Bing mixed a few keywords it heard before and left us a bit of Asian look. 😁
I never saw a game like this. It's intriguing. It reminds me of the wooden plates at my grandparent's place meant for snacks (nuts) and in a way how we played a game with marbles.
I need an empty house with only a few nice items. A bit art, this game, plants (green green green), a fireplace and a bed 😁.
It's not cold where you are?
Thanks for the explaining but I still have no clue. Btw, do you play Go-Go?
oh! I need much more. wooden shelves for books (many shelves), shelves for ceramics and various stuff... big boxes or shelves for papers, photos, and art (I dream of a special cabinet for storing large-format papers - newspaper editorial offices used to store their materials in such cabinets... but this is a unique thing, now you can’t buy this in a regular store); big windows for a lot of light, lamps, electricity, owen to cook, a place for cat ofc, and more and more and more; the more I think - the more I need. haha. you see.... my case is quite a contrary to minimalistic yours.
It is rather cold here; temperature fluctuations at my city happen very often, sometimes 2 times a day (!). The snow falls and melts, falls and melts, then falls again - that is why the roads in Russia are very bad: no wet road surface can withstand such abuse for a long time.
And note - the cold is not so hard to bear under dry conditions; but when combined with high humidity (my case), and a constantly blowing wind (again, my case) - even not very low temperatures, like -5C - are perceived very painfully. I try not to go outside when I can :)
About Kalah: to put it simply, the game is about moving pebbles according to some rules / limitation. Each player do this in their turn, and the one who by the end of the game has collected the most pebbles - become a winner. The game is extremely simple, but despite this, exciting.
Best regards
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I try to imagine it. Give me some more time.