Kitty, mirror and pool of beauty for Photochain N 52steemCreated with Sketch.

in Italy22 days ago


Quando guardo le belle fotografie degli altri, sono particolarmente attratto dalle foto che utilizzano specchi e riflessi. Ogni volta che ricevo un impulso: "Sembra bello, dovrei prenderne nota e provare a ripetere questo scatto!" Poi l'impulso ha il tempo di svanire, in una pausa finché non arriva l'occasione adatta (specchio, modello, illuminazione, luogo interno...). Pertanto, quando ho ricevuto la parola chiave "specchio" nell'ambito della sfida Photochain, sono stato ovviamente felice e ho organizzato un piccolo servizio fotografico. Ho preso in prestito pennelli per il trucco e uno specchio dal mio bambino, e poi ho semplicemente praticato l'arte della composizione. Ad un certo punto mi stavo chiedendo quale parola chiave avrei dovuto scegliere per la prossima settimana della sfida; le fotografie hanno la parola "rettangolo" - questo era il primo candidato evidente. La superficie di lavoro del portacipria ha una rientranza che ricorda una "piscina": questa è stata la mia seconda idea. Bene, poi il pensiero ha cominciato a serpeggiare, ho preso dallo scaffale una statuina giapponese di un gatto che desidera la felicità e l'ho aggiunta alla composizione (e allo stesso tempo ho giocato con i riflessi). Nel mio post pubblico tutte le foto, escluse alcune non riuscite, e sarò felice se nominerai le tue preferite.



Questo è il mio contributo per la settimana n. 52 della Photochain Challenge, gestita da @davidesimoncini. (Per maggiori dettagli clicca sul banner qui sotto). L'attuale prompt suggerisce di trovare (o creare noi stessi) un'immagine che combini 2 parole chiave: MIRROR e BRUSH. La mia parola chiave personale, che aggiungerò al prossimo round, sarà 'GATTINO' (Kitty).

Canon DSLR | lens 150 mm | f2.8 | t 1/125 | ISO 400

When I look at beautiful photographs of others, I am especially attracted to those that use mirrors and reflections. Every time I get an impulse: "This looks cool, I should take note and try to repeat such a shot!" Then the impulse has time to fade, in a pause until a suitable opportunity arrives (mirror, model, lighting, indoors location...). So, having received the keyword "mirror" as part of the Photochain challenge, I was of course happy, and arranged a small photo shoot. I borrowed makeup brushes and a mirror from my baby, and then I just practiced the art of composition. At some point, I thought about what keyword to choose for the next week of the challenge; the photos have the word "rectangle" - this was the first obvious candidate. The working surface of the powder compact has a depression resembling a "puddle" (pool) - this was my second idea. Well, and then the thought wagged its tail meander, I took a Japanese figurine of a cat wishing happiness from the shelf and added it to the composition (and at the same time played with reflections). In my post I publish all the photos, excluding a few unsuccessful ones - and I will be glad if you name your favorites.

This goes as my entry for the week #52 of Photochain Challenge, run by @davidesimoncini. (For more details click the banner below). Current prompt suggested to find (or create ourself) an image combining 2 keywords: MIRROR and BRUSH. My personal keyword, which I add to the next round, will be 'KITTY' (Cat).


Count this as an advertisement, and join the challenge - it is a lot of fun! and a chance to win STEEM.


100% SP (manual translation to SP)

Thank you to all curators for support!


The second one of course.. I like the word kitty but the others hurt my eyes. I saw that cat on the shelf as well.. it should bring luck but most of them look a bit cheap. I hope you post a great comment and if who knows a reward is on the way.

Now we mention commenting (since a week it's the same as a reward for me) do your best because most if not every - oh no not the ones I have just visited - are without a comment. I believe we can do better or?

I mean with us.. you comment and I reward LOL

A great day to you

Ps. smart to make a post out of the photos you took and next use one for the Photo Chain.. now I think about it, if you use the same photo are you a plagiarist, a spammer, or? With all those rules you never know.
It's good to be in Italy, isn't it?

Saying other -words hurt your eyes, you meant pool / rectangle? (was that so bad, really? ok. I have to take this into consideration, then...)

ps. I love to encounter luck-wishing kitties. Tho I rarely see them outdoors. (Sometimes at Chinese cafe). Maybe they look cheap at close distance, but from afar they are ok.

now I think about it, if you use the same photo are you a plagiarist, a spammer, or?
with all those rules you never know.

I believe the 'Fair use rule' must be of superior significance to others.
I created those pics especially for this Photochain week, nice steem-exclusive stuff created with love; I made a separate post about it + dropped one photo in the challenge comment section - does one can see any ill-minded behaviour here? well, than I should say this person does have a big fantasy... and I cant imagine what the 'correct behaviour' is. lol.

It's good to be in Italy, isn't it?

haha! Cant say - never have been there. Tho I love pizza and red wine, one of the best things in life for me. And - my city, St.Petersburg, was built 300 years ago as an imitation of Venice in Italy, a new-made imitation. Of course, I think the Italian original is better.

Me idiot did not mean the other words hurt but the photos, sorry, you can use the words again.
Adding some luck is always good, same for the Chinese cookies although I wish they had a better taste and the wishes inside were not all the same. They are easy to make yourself which is a plus (before you ask, yes, I did

Aaaah, St Petersburg is a copy-cat also cool. Pity I haven't seen Russia except for photos and videos shown on a Telegram site (they always say goodnight with a great photo)
We have our own little Venice but I believe it's better than Venice (I've been there and felt home) what do you think.

You just notice @mikitaly upvoted you while I did all the hard work prepping the Italian community by commenting and commenting? I thought I would generate myself a few easy upvotes but no...

You better comment again so I have something to upvote tomorrow or shall I skip and take a day off?
Bye, thanks for the fun talk.

It's true, you're doing a great job with the comments, you have no rivals or maybe very few who keep up with your pace. 😜
If comments received as much as a post I think the platform would immediately turn into a chat room! 😅
Instead we have to settle for mostly courtesy comments.

Ps Next week we will conquor Italy and let the wewrite comment (instead of me).
You will be busy,!

I wish! I constantly repeat to the community the importance of comments.
Comments are the beating heart of a community and a platform. As well as giving support to those who receive them. Because writing a post and then not receiving any comments is just sad, it means that no one appreciated our work.
But not everyone understands this, so they post and run away from Steemit without interacting with others.
That's a pity.

I hope we can change a bit but it won't work if posting is just seen as a quick task and they don't like to comment or worse reply. No idea how many will join this time. Can be no one if they hate commenting but I guess we find out soon enough

To comment well one must have read the post. And not everyone feels like reading other people's posts, unfortunately.
Let's see this week.
It took me a while, but I understood the mechanism of templates in the comments as well. 😜
I'm ready.💪🏻

You know what? I tag you next time to make it easy for you or you just have a look between my comments and replies. I do the same and trust me it goes fast.

I wrote in SCB about commenting so it might be the link is the last one of it's kind. I shoukd have made posts out of all my comments.

Goodnight or good morning

The chat box is quiet a bit more traffic would not harm.

UMMER(4).jpg Team True Colours - @ wakeupkitty


Congratulations! This post has been upvoted through steemcurator07. We support quality posts, good comments anywhere, and any tags.


Curated by : @mikitaly

Cute, and nice idea the reflection on the mirror. Thank you to join, the results in the next hours :)

Yes, but you should tell him which photo is the winner! LOL I guess you can't be bribed either?

No, not for a few pennies.
For a lot of pennies, instead, maybe... XD

A pennie is not much. Are you still allowed to pay with cash? What is it you want to buy so we can calculate the mountain of pennies needed.

I think it could be too expensive :)

Sono lusingato. Grazie! ricambiando baci e sorrisi.

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