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RE: PHOTOCHAIN Challenge TESTNET - Edition number 70 [ENG | ITA]

I think @cicisaja missed this pictures because the rose bud we had in our front yard was not in this color before. It's white with a pinkish petals. It's a bit hard to keep the keys words on clear focus, but I hope this one count 😎

It supposed to be a white rose, but after several times of flowering it getting more pinkish. Perhaps the original parents was white and pink.
Good luck everyone
Welcome to PhotoChain @dipoabasch. Many thanks to @cicisaja for inviting you over to the coolest, most awesome and most challenging contest I have ever had the pleasure to join. 😀
Your entry is spot on for this week's keywords and I am intrigued with your comment that this pink rose was actually blooming white roses before. Never heard of anything as peculiar as that. Well anyway, good for you because you were able to use it for this week's challenge. Best wishes to you with your entry. I absolutely like your personal prompt, by the way. 👍
Welcome again to the PhotoChain. I do hope you can become a regular here 🙂
Thank you for the warm welcome 🙌 I can't find the first flower photo from last year which was a white rose from the same bush. Cici and I love white, black and red roses. Never the pink one😁 so we bought the colors we love. The black one (which actually dark red) and the red one couldn't survived. The white one is still kickin'. Who knows, now it turns out to be pinkish 😁
Actually it's not peculiar, because roses are a type if plants which easy to cultivate and it has thousands of varieties. The cultivators did the grafting or inter and cross planting. I guess that my rose is a grafting one too.
Let's see whether I can find something for the next week edition then. Thanks 🙌
Yes I can see it! It really is white! Interesting. But I see your point about cross grafting and planting. The same thing I think our gardener helper did for one of our bougainvillea. It's not entirely pink but interspersed with white.
Please wait for the winners to be announced before looking for your next entry. Sometimes the combination can be really out of this world 🌎
Oohh I missed this, why it getting pinkish today? A bit blurry but I think this fine. Welcome to the photocain contest🤗
Thanks... You left me again just to have fun here
Super fun, I should say. Right @cicisaja? 😃
Undoubtedly yes!!
A perfect photo to join this week's edition. Welcome to Photochain @dipoabasch. Thank you for joining and a big good luck for your first participation! :D
Thank you... You gotta blame cici for her craziness on commenting 😆 gotta follow her around to make sure she didn't messing up too much
Haha, you're both welcome :D
Best regards
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