Lessons we can learn from the elderly about life.
There are certain things we are facing in our life most especially negatively that we should not have faced if only we have access to the right knowledge and information to it. There are some regrets and consequences we are facing right now in our lives today because we did not make enquiry.
When I am talking about enquiry, I am talking about the aspect of asking questions from people who have gone ahead of you earlier. If only we can make use of our elders around you, we will make less regrets in our lives I am telling you. The elderly ones have a lot of experience and wisdom and that is because they have actually experienced that which we are passing through earlier in their life.
The elders which might be our parents, uncles or even our bosses have passed through lot of experiences in life. Sometimes they have faced lot of challenges even before we started facing it and they have gained a lot of insights that I strongly believe that we can make use of them. We can make use of their insights or avoid some pitfalls in our lives. There is so much power when we are able to learn from the past so that we can have a bright future.
Over the years, I have learnt a lot from the elderly ones I have around me. The first is in the aspect of relationship. The old people value relationship because they see the power in it. I remember my mom and my dad always telling me to be careful of who I walk with and not walk with but also some relationships I need to maintain. You will see some of our elderly ones Sustaining relationships that are 10,20,30,40 years old not like the younger generation right now that any small issue, we have destroyed relationship.
Not only that, one of the things I have learnt from elderly ones in my life is the fact that they always open my eyes to see the power I. Patience. My parents will often tell me that I should be patient in life so that I will not make wrong decisions and if you will ask me, it has really helped me a whole lot. There are some wrong decisions and steps that I should have actually taken in life but whenever I remember what my mom or dad said about the power of patience in this life, it helps me to stay on course and trust me it has paid off. No challenges will last forever, we should keep going and in just a while, we will definitely overcome.
If you will ask me, I will say I was so guilty of this many years ago and that is not really practicing gratitude. Gratitude is really powerful and most of the time, I really wish I knew about this earlier in my life probably I will not have miss a lot of things and relationships in life. Our elderly ones will always tell us the power of been grateful. Grateful to friends, grateful to families, grateful to life and even grateful to God. All these things have a way of actually attracting a whole lot of things in our life and makes us to think deep about life. Most times we take gratitude for granted not knowing the huge role it plays in our lives.
Today, I am imploring many of us to start learning from our elderly ones. Probably you have your uncles, your aunty or even your parents, be patient and humble enough to learn from them. We will be able to avoid a lot of regrets in our lives if only we are able to learn from not only past but also from the past of others and make sure that we did not repeat the same mistake they have made. We can bank on the experience of our elderly ones so that we will not face the same thing again and again.