India - Masala Adventures 006

in TravelFeedlast year

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Since my return from Masala adventures, my days have been filled with various activities like hunting morels, painting, and writing content and poetry. Amidst the busyness, I haven't had a chance to work on the projects I'm involved in on Hive. However, in this post, I want to share my experience of meeting @lotuslasse, @yashtanga, and my journey to Rishikesh.


The Precognitive States

Life has always felt mysterious to me, as if I'm experiencing a never-ending deja vu. It's like waking up in a different time, where the fashion, technology, and surroundings seem familiar yet displaced. As I delved into the world of yoga and spirituality, this feeling intensified.

One particular incident stands out: meeting a yogi in a book store whom I had seen in a dream the night before. In that dream, we met in a celestial library, surrounded by bright white light and towering bookshelves. This sense of deja vu led me to recall other instances throughout my life that seemed connected.


The Yogi's Invitation

During my encounters, the yogi invited me to learn yoga from him, promising a yoga alliance certificate and the opportunity to study in the Himalayas, unlocking the secrets to enlightenment and nirvana. However, as I pondered over this offer, I realized I needed to follow my own path and explore yoga beyond just physical postures.

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Choosing my Path in Rishikesh

In search of a yoga school that aligned with my personal aspirations, I arrived in Rishikesh—a place I had often visited during my time in North India. Little did I know that Rishikesh had transformed into the yoga capital of the world, boasting over 400 yoga schools.

To determine the right school for me, I tapped into a sense of divine alignment. It was as if I could travel back in time and guide my past self toward the perfect choice. In the end, I enrolled in a 200-hour Vinyasa teacher training at the Rishikesh Vinyasa Yoga School.


The Yoga Journey Unfolds

Throughout my stay in Rishikesh, I not only deepened my connection with my own culture and ancestral roots, but I also met fascinating individuals from around the globe. We shared a common desire to heal ourselves physically and spiritually, either through personal experiences or a passion for guiding others on their healing journeys.

The teacher training was rigorous, immersing us in the depths of yoga philosophy, anatomy, and alignment. With newfound knowledge, I began to understand human physiology and could decipher muscle tightness from the way people walked. The importance of self-discipline, routine, and consistency in living a healthy life became apparent through practice.


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The following images were taken with a heavier camera:


Embracing New Perspectives

As @lotuslasse embarked on his 300-hour training while I completed my 200-hour course, I introduced him to the Hive blockchain. We discussed the profound paradigm shift that Web3 would bring in the years to come, comparing its significance to the invention of the internet itself. We pondered how sovereign asset management and increased environmental accountability would reshape our world.


Amidst my time in Rishikesh, I also explored the town, capturing its essence through street photography, engaging with intriguing individuals, and frequenting the local bookshop. My curiosity in Vastu Shashtra (Indian traditional architecture) grew, leading to profound insights about its impact on harmony, aesthetics, and our resonance with the world around us.


Rishikesh, Uttarakhand

Rishikesh, nestled amidst waterfalls, mountains, and foothills, offers an enchanting atmosphere. The town buzzes with cafes serving delicious food and attracts a diverse community of sound healers, yogis, reiki practitioners, Ayurvedic experts, traditional Chinese medicine enthusiasts, acupuncturists, fitness enthusiasts, and holistic health professionals. It serves as a hub for these individuals to connect, share knowledge, and exchange ideas.



Rishikesh truly embodies the essence of yoga and spirituality, providing an immersive experience for seekers from around the world. From its clean Ganges river to the surrounding natural beauty and numerous hiking opportunities, the town offers a marvelous destination for spiritual exploration, personal growth, and a deeper connection with oneself.


Join me in my next blog post as I delve further into my transformative journey and share more about the wonders of Rishikesh.

Thanks for stopping by



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Graffiti of vanishing Dong Chang 东厂 aka Rane

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“Traveling is like unlocking the doors of perception, allowing us to step outside the boundaries of familiarity. It is through venturing into different lands, immersing in diverse cultures, and embracing foreign languages that we gain the power to view the world from a vantage point beyond our own. Each new journey adds another lens to our perspective, liberating our minds from the confines of routine and granting us the ability to grasp the profound truth that within every border lies a metaphorical chicken barn. As we embrace these external viewpoints, we not only comprehend the limitations of our past but also gain insight into the possibilities of the future, envisioning a world where true freedom can prevail.” — @yangyanje

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@for91days (TravelFeed team)

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