Travel is a MUST for Truth Seekers

in TravelFeed4 years ago

Travel is fundamentally an incredible way to level up your consciousness and here is why and also it doesn't necessarily have to be an expensive endeavor whatsoever for me traveling to different countries like the Philippines traveling to third-world countries like El Salvador and Guatemala traveling through more established company countries like United Kingdom England going to France Italy and just going around the world to Thailand to Cambodia to Vietnam etc

I've had the privilege of being able to see the way that life in develops in many different societies and what you come to realize when you travel is that not only do you get or get out of your box and you start to see the world differently so to see there are different ways of accomplishing the same tasks or different ways of governance different ways of family life and religion beliefs dating etc traveling get you out of your box and it gives you the opportunity to see new perspectives in the world

one of the biggest parts of raising your consciousness is growing your level of awareness in order to become spiritually enlightened in order to raise your consciousness even more from where you are at you have to get to know yourself but you also have to get to know humanity in the most intimate way possible the only way to do that is to see and to mingle with many different types of human beings from many different walks of life from poverty to wealth individuals living in a political system that socialist other individuals living in a more democratic system getting to know people

who are very religious and those who aren't this is the only way they're going to gain the level awareness you need to fully understand she managed to see people and to see human beings under different sets of conditions for example when I was first traveling to Thailand I felt really really uncomfortable I was traveling alone is the first time that I really traveled alone and I was so uncertain I thought that everywhere outside of the United States was dangerous that people were gonna steal my stuff that I wasn't really very safe that no one was gonna speak English and low and behold it was the exact opposite of course there are dangerous areas in Thailand

But for the most part I was very safe it was very easy for me to get around and when I realized was that so much of those beliefs were based on the media and also based on people who had never been to the country that I was traveling to by traveling you get outside of your own hypnosis the hypnosis of the society that you are living in the media stories which you've been led to believe and you actually see what reality is like you get to see firsthand how these individuals how these people live their life and what I also came to be surprised about for example continuing my travels in Thailand was the widespread use of meditation and how that's something that's completely normal in that country whereas in other countries like the United States meditation is a much newer thing a much newer way of dealing with emotions of dealing with our obsessive thinking mind .

whereas in Thailand it's way more prolific it's something that's inherent with Buddhism and you would be hard-pressed to find someone who has never meditated but verses in contrast that's very much more of a select niche thing in the United States going to other areas like Cambodia and seeing the ancient ruins of Angkor What one of the the wonders of the world and getting to witness that and to really see firsthand what an ancient civilization looks like what their what their ancient ruins are like and just the incredible beauty which is that spot that's something where by getting outside of your comfort zone and being willing to go to new places you will actually begin to expand your map of reality in your map of the world and it makes you feel so much more insignificant knowing that there have been civilizations and societies that have existed for thousands of years before hours and your actual life is a very small blip in the timeline of the world of course you can say that and you can intellectually understand that but emotionally to fully grasp and to internalize that lesson is difficult and it can only be done firsthand many things can be told to us

But when you actually emotionally resonate with it it only happens when you've experienced that firsthand and only sometimes you can do that in your life it doesn't have to necessarily be traveling to other countries though it could be even getting outside of your own town and going to a neighboring town or going throughout your state going on a hike going and just experiencing a neighboring state these are all ways you can put yourself in a different environment and when you get into a different environment your awareness and your consciousness begins to grow your mental map of the world becomes such more intricate and complex than it was previously and you'll also begin to observe how your emotions and beliefs and thoughts change as you change up your environment by taking myself out of a very comfortable environment where I was living for a decent amount of time for six years and going to a completely foreign country like Vietnam I very quickly was able to see how my emotion started to change and when you're no longer surrounded by your close friends you're no longer surrounded by familiar language and familiar way of living in a society you can really witness how authentically your emotions respond to that and the types of thoughts that are going through your head do you deal and cope with that well


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