The Foolish Knight
The Foolish Knight looked for a pint of beer that they would often embrace. It should be a fairly curious action, to me and my wife, but not to the Knight, who thought that it was in fact, entertaining. You wouldnt have thought, a pint of beer would be the thing that was selected.
The Foolish Knight needed a radiator that they would occasionally experiment on. It should be a fairly bizarre proposal, to me and my wife, but not to the Knight, who thinks that the idea was stunning. Bizarrely, a radiator was the chosen thing.
The Foolish Knight desperately desired a cup that they would sometimes insert somewhere. It might be a fairly new proposal, to my dad, but not to the Knight, who had decided that it was in fact, spectacular. Strangely, a cup is the thing that was chosen.
The Foolish Knight desired a computer that they would occasionally rub on his belly. It might be a fairly unusual action, to me and my wife, but not to the Knight, who had come to the conclusion that this idea was exciting. You wouldnt have thought, a computer was the item that was opted for.
The Foolish Knight always had with them a little monkey that they would sometimes try to balance on their head. It should be a different suggestion, to my grandma, but not to the Knight, who feels that the idea was the most awesome idea. Who would have imagined, a little monkey would be the item chosen.
The Foolish Knight always had with them a rubber chicken that they sometimes put in the bath with him. One might consider this to be a fairly exciting undertaking, to you, but not to the Knight, who feels that the idea was fun. Who would have imagined, a rubber chicken was the item that was selected.