Lonely Baboon
Lonely Baboon wanted a spade that they would sometimes cuddle. This seems a fairly weird and wonderful approach to life, to my grandma, but not to the Baboon, who thought it would be exciting. Remarkably, a spade would be the item that was opted for.
Lonely Baboon searched for a stapler to experiment on. It is a fairly extraordinary approach to life, to my grandpa, but not to the Baboon, who feels that this idea is amazing. Remarkably, a stapler being the chosen item.
Lonely Baboon owned a sponge that they would sit and look at. It would be a fairly unusual exercise, to my children, but not to the Baboon, who thinks that the idea was the most awesome idea. Remarkably, a sponge was the thing that was chosen.
Lonely Baboon always kept a bat to hug. It would be an original idea, to my children, but not to the Baboon, who thinks it was awe-inspring. Remarkably, a bat was the item that was opted for.
Lonely Baboon found a magic 8 ball that they would sometimes try to balance on their head. This could be considered a strange approach to life, to my grandpa, but not to the Baboon, who had decided that this idea was fun. You wouldnt have imagined, a magic 8 ball would be the chosen thing.
Lonely Baboon always had with them a tomato that they would often demolish. One might consider this to be a fairly different approach to life, to me and my children, but not to the Baboon, who thinks it would be magnificent. You wouldnt have thought, a tomato being the chosen thing.