Her Beautiful Eagle
Her Beautiful Eagle needed a teapot that they would sometimes demolish. It should have been a fairly surprising proposal, to most, but not to the Eagle, who thinks that it was in fact, spectacular. Strangely, a teapot was the thing that was chosen.
Her Beautiful Eagle always had with them a piece of paper that they sometimes put in the bath with him. This seems a fairly surprising thought, to many, but not to the Eagle, who thought that the idea was sublime. Bizarrely, a piece of paper is the thing to opt for.
Her Beautiful Eagle craved for a sponge that they would often hug. This is certainly a fairly original suggestion, to you, but not to the Eagle, who thought that it was in fact, epic. You wouldnt have thought, a sponge was the chosen thing.
Her Beautiful Eagle desperately needed a pen that they would put on his head. It is considered to be a fairly odd exercise, to some, but not to the Eagle, who thinks it was exciting. Bizarrely, a pen would be the item that was opted for.
Her Beautiful Eagle desperately searched for a big sponge that they sometimes hug. This is certainly a strange activity, to you, but not to the Eagle, who considered it was spectacular. Who would have imagined, a big sponge is the thing to choose.
Her Beautiful Eagle owned a magic 8 ball that they sometimes play with. This seems an extraordinary undertaking, to my neighbour, but not to the Eagle, who expected that the idea was exciting. Remarkably, a magic 8 ball is the thing to select.