Exciting Elephant
Exciting Elephant always had with them a sponge that they liked to rub on his belly. One might consider this to be an astonishing action, to you, but not to the Elephant, who assumed it was the most awesome idea. Strangely, a sponge was the item that was selected.
Exciting Elephant desperately searched for a melon to share. It is considered to be an odd idea, to many, but not to the Elephant, who had come to the conclusion that it was in fact, sublime. Bizarrely, a melon is the thing that was chosen.
Exciting Elephant often carried a hat that they would sometimes eat. It was a fairly unusual approach to life, to my mum, but not to the Elephant, who assumed that the idea was amazing. Bizarrely, a hat would be the item that was selected.
Exciting Elephant craved for a chocolate bar that they would often break. It would have been a fairly bizarre approach to life, to my dad, but not to the Elephant, who expected it would be exciting. Honestly, a chocolate bar would be the chosen thing.
Exciting Elephant desperately wanted a stretchman that they would occasionally annihilate It should be a funny undertaking, to you and me, but not to the Elephant, who felt it would be fun. You wouldnt have thought, a stretchman is the thing to choose.
Exciting Elephant desperately craved for a stretchman that they would insert somewhere. It might have been an odd suggestion, to me and my parents, but not to the Elephant, who thought that this idea is wonderful. Who would have thought, a stretchman being the item selected.