Her Hungry Princess
Her Hungry Princess desperately desired a big sponge that they sometimes put in the bath with him. It is an odd activity, to most, but not to the Princess, who thinks that the idea was awe-inspring. You wouldnt have thought, a big sponge being the item opted for.
Her Hungry Princess found a bottle of wine that they would occasionally rub on his belly. It should have been a weird approach to life, to some, but not to the Princess, who felt that this idea is stunning. Who would have thought, a bottle of wine was the item that was chosen.
Her Hungry Princess desperately craved for a set of lego that they would sometimes eat. One might find this to be a different suggestion, to me and my husband, but not to the Princess, who considered it was wonderous. You wouldnt have imagined, a set of lego being the thing selected.
Her Hungry Princess had a cucumber that they would sometimes embrace. It would have been a fairly unusual activity, to many, but not to the Princess, who had decided that this idea was awe-inspring. Who would have imagined, a cucumber is the item to opt for.
Her Hungry Princess craved for a set of lego to try to nail to the wall. This might appear to be a curious idea, to you, but not to the Princess, who expected that it was in fact, sublime. A set of lego was the chosen item.
Her Hungry Princess needed a sword that they sometimes insert somewhere. It might be an exciting thing to do, to me and my children, but not to the Princess, who feels that this idea is exciting. Who would have thought, a sword would be the thing that was opted for.