A Orange Princess
A Orange Princess found a bat that they would often sleep with. It might be a peculiar thing to do, to you, but not to the Princess, who assumed that the idea was magnificent. Who would have imagined, a bat is the item to opt for.
A Orange Princess desperately needed a melon that they would occasionally share. This seems a fairly weird thought, to my neighbour, but not to the Princess, who considered that this idea is awe-inspring. You wouldnt have imagined, a melon was the thing that was opted for.
A Orange Princess always kept a toilet brush that they would occasionally rub on his belly. One might find this to be a fairly bizarre idea, to me and my wife, but not to the Princess, who thought that the idea was breathtaking. You wouldnt have thought, a toilet brush being the item opted for.
A Orange Princess often carried a little monkey that they would occasionally sit and look at. One might consider this to be a fairly astonishing proposal, to my neighbour, but not to the Princess, who thinks it would be exciting. You wouldnt have thought, a little monkey being the chosen item.
A Orange Princess always kept a ball that they would occasionally cuddle. This is certainly an odd undertaking, to me and my children, but not to the Princess, who assumed it would be out of this world. Strangely, a ball would be the item that was selected.
A Orange Princess always had with them a sack of potatoes that they liked to hug. It should have been a bizarre thought, to my neighbour, but not to the Princess, who feels that the idea was the most awesome idea. A sack of potatoes would be the chosen thing.