The Beautiful Servant
The Beautiful Servant found a block of cheese that they would often eat. One might find this to be a peculiar approach to life, to me and my children, but not to the Servant, who expected that the idea was wonderful. Remarkably, a block of cheese would be the item that was selected.
The Beautiful Servant always kept a lava lamp that they liked to sleep with. It might be a fairly funny exercise, to you, but not to the Servant, who assumed it would be spectacular. Honestly, a lava lamp is the thing to choose.
The Beautiful Servant always had with them a bag of flour that they would sometimes try to balance on their head. It might be a fairly astonishing idea, to most, but not to the Servant, who expected that this idea was fun. You wouldnt have imagined, a bag of flour being the item opted for.
The Beautiful Servant carried a stretchman to put on his head. This seems a fairly peculiar operation, to me and my husband, but not to the Servant, who thinks that this idea was wonderful. Who would have thought, a stretchman being the chosen thing.
The Beautiful Servant needed a bottle of wine to share. This seems an odd undertaking, to many, but not to the Servant, who thinks that this idea is magnificent. Who would have imagined, a bottle of wine was the thing that was opted for.
The Beautiful Servant looked for a cheese grater to eat. It was a fairly original activity, to me, my mum and my dad, but not to the Servant, who expected that the idea was fun. Bizarrely, a cheese grater was the item that was selected.