The Cute Giraffe
The Cute Giraffe desperately desired a little monkey that they would often eat. It should have been a curious thought, to many, but not to the Giraffe, who expected that the idea was wonderous. Bizarrely, a little monkey being the chosen item.
The Cute Giraffe needed a computer that they would often sleep with. It should be a fairly unusual idea, to my neighbour, but not to the Giraffe, who assumed that the idea was wonderous. Remarkably, a computer of all things.
The Cute Giraffe wanted a piece of paper that they would worship. It is a curious approach to life, to my dad, but not to the Giraffe, who thought that this idea is amazing. Remarkably, a piece of paper would be the chosen thing.
The Cute Giraffe needed a radiator that they liked to throw. It would be a somewhat surprising approach to life, to me, but not to the Giraffe, who thinks that this idea is amazing. Bizarrely, a radiator is the thing to opt for.
The Cute Giraffe always had with them a pencil sharpener to worship. It is considered to be a fairly peculiar thing to do, to me, but not to the Giraffe, who had decided that the idea was wonderful. Who would have imagined, a pencil sharpener being the thing selected.
The Cute Giraffe always had with them a can of Tango that they liked to eat. This is certainly a fairly bizarre exercise, to me, my mum and my dad, but not to the Giraffe, who thinks it would be fun. You wouldnt have imagined, a can of Tango was the thing that was chosen.