Showing off intense winter colours: a combination of cold and dry soil
Sedum rubrotinctum
sedum nussbaumerianum with Sedum 'jelly beans' in the background
Sedum stahlii
Showing off intense winter colours: a combination of cold and dry soil
Sedum rubrotinctum
sedum nussbaumerianum with Sedum 'jelly beans' in the background
Sedum stahlii
Do any of these flower for you?
As you can see, the jellybeans will flower soon but nothing from the others, I don't know why
That's weird, I wonder what their trigger is
Sedum Nussbaumerianum is an unusual one, it lives in symbiosis with a bromeliad in nature so maybe that has something to do with it
I see that the name has now been changed to Sedum adolphii
The endless revisions... usually the genus gets changed but not the species
I don't think people will get over dropping stapeliads into ceropegia anytime soon although it does make sense on a certain level
Botanist wars are a thing, lol