Tron Blockchain X Sim City: What If There Were To Be A Collaboration between the both by @swaylee

in Tron Fan Club2 years ago (edited)

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Greetings Everyone,
It's Rasheed once again and welcome to my blog. Your NFT, game and Tron lover has come again with another Interesting blockbuster about one of my favorite games by the name Sim City: Build It. It is similar to the previous game I talked about but more sophisticated, realistic and interested. I'm sure alot of us game lovers must have played it or heard of it because it's a really popular game and popular game collaborations with Tron would definitely be a game changer.

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As you can see it's those kinda build your own city games and I've gone far a bit although not up to the early players or the pay to play gamers.

About The Game

SimCity: Build It is a single player, online and offline simulation and city building game made by Electronic Arts ( An American video game company). The game starts as just a small piece of land and you as the mayor of that small land. You would be asked to name the city then after a few tutorials you can start managing your city. You get to buy and build buildings like citizens houses, factories, parks and stores. The game is really realistic as the weather in-game changes attimes it's sunny attimes it rains and it has morning, afternoon and evening. As an addition to it's realistic features, you have to build hospitals, police stations, sewage factories, power plants, fire department buildings and so on. There is also an airport and ship for sending off shipments to buyers from outside the town.


From the screenshot above, we can see that it's night time in my city. I have over 130k citizens and I have erected some really nice buildings and many of my factory products are ready to be collected. The yellow hats on buildings signify that they are to be renovated.

If I were to start explaining the game in full detail, this post would not end so your going to have to be conversant with this. Some resources used in this game include

  • Simcash
  • Simoloens
  • Neosimoleons
  • Regional currency


The regional currencies available to me at the moment include fin simoleons and leaf simoleons. Each region has its own currencies but asides the capital city, I have only unlocked two others so I only have two regional currencies.

Some Special Game Features


Dr Vu's Tower
As a twist to the very average town games, Dr Vu a mad scientist who loves destruction built a tower specially made to destroy the city at your command 😂😂. You get the items used to activate one of the destruction plans then you push a big read button and a few buildings in your village get destroyed but as the mayor you would have to fix the buildings back before launching another one. Currently I have only unlocked meteor strike, earthquake and alien invasion soon to unlock the tornado.

Alliance Wars
In addition to joining alliances, alliance wars are available and how it's done is you unleash havoc on the enemy village kind of like what you do with Dr Vu's Tower. You can choose to send an earthquake to the enemy or send a golem to throw rocks at their buildings. You can also do many other things to wreck havoc to anyone who stand against you.

Eco Tech Homes
This is where you earn neosimoleons from. These are high tech homes that run on wifi and high class technology and they also generate income for you. They have their own store and the houses are upgraded using tech products. There is also an tech testing lab where you create tech products.

Why I Think This Game Would Go Well With The Tron Blockchain


The simcash and simoleons used in the game are in very high demand in-game so they get used up pretty easily. Just a couple of actions and your simcash and simoleons would finish, this makes users buy through in-game purchases. I have run out of the in-game currencies so much that attimes I make in-game purchases so if they were to incorporate TRX amongst the methods of buying in-game. I believe it would be very beneficial to the game.

From the screenshot above, we can see the bundles and the cheapest is 2000 naira which is about 44 TRX to the highest package which is 39,900 naira which is about 840 TRX. Those who pay in this game are Soo much and with the incorporation of TRX they would pay easily through their wallet. This would also remove the tax charged when paying in-game. If people see a payment system that won't task them heavily like the fiat currency does, they would move to it for sure. Payment would also be made easier as it just requires being linked to your TRX wallet.

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Final Remarks

The collaboration of the game and the tron Blockchain would be a hit as the game can be played by anyone 7 years and above and has over a 100 million downloads meaning it's used by lots of people around the world. It does have anyone noticeable bugs and has active developers. It's available on IOS and android.

All unsourced images used in this post were screenshots taken from the authors game account on his android device.
10% to @tron-fan-club

Please @fredquantum My post was skipped by the curator yesterday evening, please if you can give it a look and see if it's worth curating. I really worked hard on the post

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