The end of zero covid means that China is reopening its economy. Don't underestimate how big of a deal this could be for the cryptocurrency markets. Remember, China is the second biggest economy in the world, it has a GDP of 15 trillion dollars. The economy has been completely lock down for 3 years due to covid. That 15 trillion dollar economy is now reopening and they are doing so aggressively with their new policies rolling out. That means millions of Chinese tourists, businesses are going to start happening, production is going to be back up, supply chains are going to stop having so many problems, more demands are going to start coming in removing the Chinese consumers, and so on. The reopening is still very new, the impact has not started to move to the global market.
China could actually affect the crypto market but you might be wondering if china bans crypto. China did not do crypto but they did put super heavy restrictions which definitely muted the cryptocurrency industry in China. However, China has been cracking down on crypto since 2014, and has never really worked. Remember, in 2021 when China finally banned Bitcoin mining, and all the miners were forced to move overseas. China's share of the hash rate effectively when to zero but a year after that happened, China was back in business big time being the number in total hash rate. The ban once again was a complete failure in China and demand for crypto has not disappeared either despite the crackdown on exchanges.
One interesting thing is that the Asian markets didn't actually get as badly burned as all the terrible stuff that happened with Blockfi, Celsius, and FTX. It might take a little more time for Western investors to be ready to wage back into crypto speculation but the Asian investor seems to be ready to rumble. The new network Aptos has been popping super hard in South Korea. BTS is not the only big thing happening to them right now, investors are looking for that next big coin and they have decided it going to be aptos. It still shows that there is a lot of appetite in this advanced Asian economy. One of the biggest things that happened in recent months is coming out of Hong Kong. Hong Kong is now looking to make itself a major hub. Hong Kong has approved feature ETFs for Bitcoin already and there are some rumors that we could still see stop ETFs coming out for Bitcoin and ETH in the Hong Kong market as well.