It will hurt allow if they ban staking for crypto in the US and it will be a major setback for the crypto world. This is for retail customers, it is very important to keep your mind on that because some institutions will probably like to be in the controlling scene of these networks. If we were to see the SEC who is essentially just an enforcement arm at this point of the big banking infrastructure in the USA, if we actually see the crypto staking ban for regular people, that will mean that all the staking power will flow up to companies like Blackrock, Goldman Sachs, Fidelity and so on who will then sell you some kind of derivative product.
This will basically mean that the big money only into IS gets to participate in staking. All though Ethereum stakers, it is going to be the hedge fund, the financial manager, and the big banks that are going to be running the nodes and getting most of the rewards and they might throw some crumbs for regular people to get. This is not great if it happens, we are not sure that will happen, it is only a rumor. Part of the great part of get is the decentralization, empowering regular people to participate in the networks and to help run the networks. Cryptocurrency is the financial layer of the internet, it is the verifiable part of the Internet. It is a fundamental part of the model internet and it is only going to get bigger. We have over 400 million people now who own cryptocurrency and that is going to be a billion by 2026. We are on the exponential increase of this technology, this is as important to get right a regulatory level as it was with the Internet back in the 90s. Imagine with would have happened had the US banned the Internet, it won't have worked but it would definitely slow down the progress of that technology. Look at the great stuff we have got as a result of letting technology flourish.