5 Arguments Why Bitcoin Is Not Just An Asset

in Tron Fan Club2 years ago (edited)

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It's important to understand that buying Bitcoin isn't just about making a little extra cash; it's about an idea.

You don't own an asset if you hold Bitcoin. Instead, you own the concept of freedom, which is an idea that every living thing on the planet shares (though some may not be aware of it).

Do any of those ideas — "you'll own nothing and you'll be happy," "you'll be censored on YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, TikTok," "more laws, regulations, and policies" — sound or feel like freedom?

The hammer blow hits us hardest when the wealthy elite build new financial avenues. And for that reason, we must back Bitcoin.The concept behind bitcoin is that you should be in charge of your financial future, not some self-serving outsider. It is more than a resource. It's an opportunity to release yourself from the financial restraints keeping you anchored to the rock while the vulture gorges.

So let's discuss it.

1: A protector from corruption

With clouds in the background, Super-Bitcoin is depicted pointing at corruption from atop a tall structure.
Since the dawn of money, value, and trade, financial corruption has been an issue for humanity. In the first place, corruption is dishonesty and the misuse of authority for one's own benefit. We must therefore inquire as to why someone must obtain more than they require. The solution comes from the survival instinct, which is among the oldest in humanity. We imagine potential futures because we can abstract as a species.

Furthermore, a lot of these futures include the risk that we won't have access to a necessary resource, causing us to perish. We must therefore gather as many necessities as we can in order to survive. The likelihood that a human being will put their principles aside in order to survive is bred by our uncertainty about the future and our intense drive to survive. And now we have a tainted person.
Bitcoin's decentralized blockchain eliminates corruption:
A participant initiates a transaction and publishes it to the network as a whole.After reaching its transaction limit, the algorithm creates a block.
Through the network of Bitcoin, blockchain users "vote" on the veracity, correctness, and legitimacy of a block.

The process then starts over as the algorithm creates a new block using only a portion of the information from the prior one. The blocks quickly unite into a chain or blockchain. Next, verification is easy if there is only one blockchain. However, if the blockchain splits into two distinct chains (forking commonly occurs for a variety of reasons), the network's users must choose the chain that has done the most "work" in order to verify and legitimize it. The other chain is ignored by the network.
Thus, one of our worst traits—fear—is democratically governed by Bitcoin's decentralized network.
Additionally, it protects individuals who try to lead honorable lives in practice even while it cannot prevent someone from having a corrupt thinking.

2: A supporter of individual liberty

In America, we place a high value on individual liberty, but we frequently trade that liberty for "security" piecemeal. What's worse is that we depend on the most dishonest individuals our nation has to offer for protection. Politicians in America, who our founding fathers hoped would be the best among us, are arguably the worst. A community inherently needs a central government, but ours is somewhat clumsy and terrible.

Only a small portion of our government is necessary for it to run effectively. But since we've given away so much, a monster is now making decisions that will harm our survival and rob us of our freedom.Participating persons have more flexibility with bitcoin. Decentralization was prioritized by Bitcoin's creator, Nakamoto, in its whitepaper. He/She/They provided an answer to the query of whether or not people could rule themselves. The system evolved from us, yet it still needs an outside approach to help humans manage themselves.

A tool for acquiring and expressing our desire for more freedom is the Bitcoin blockchain. And with a resounding declaration, we are ready to face whatever challenges come with it. Mance Raider from Game of Thrones once said,

"The ability to make my own mistakes was all I ever desired."

Yes, investing in Bitcoin may cause us to lose money, but we learn from our mistakes. We require our setbacks. Clearly and publicly, Bitcoin does not take away the freedom that it grants.

3: It restores democracy A voter deposits Bitcoin into a voting machine.

Democracy depends on our ability to communicate with our leaders about the way we want to live.
Those who feel called to serve as our leaders and advance our causes run for office.They discuss their opinions with as many citizens as they can, then decide whether the candidate's interests line up with their own. The voter then casts their ballot for the candidate. And if the candidate receives enough votes, they are elected and can put their policies into action.
Citizens benefit from policies that promote their way of life.That is nice.
However, none of the preceding actions transpired as intended. Instead, we frequently elect candidates who do not carry out any of their campaign promises, rendering our votes ineffective. Because they believe it is a waste of their most valuable resource—their time—nearly one-third of the population in our country chooses not to cast a ballot. And it's a component of the tainted election process that we have had, possibly since America's founding.

However, Bitcoin expressed the wishes of the people through Nakamoto. It conveys the decision to live a free life and make decisions about our future through a democratic system. Indeed, there are issues with Bitcoin that need to be resolved, but the blockchain is the most democratic means to do it.
The change is then put to a vote among all network users. Finally, if the majority approves, developers put the BIP into practice.

Do you think we would proceed any more slowly than the decisions made by our government?

4: It offers safety through impartial objectivity

In America, politicians serve the interests of affluent elites and corporations rather than the general populace. So a donor could bribe a senator, for instance. Or, a business could lobby them (same thing). And despite claims that whales manage Bitcoin in a similar way to how the powerful few rule the weak, we can't pass up an opportunity.

Would you put your faith in a senator grinning over a blockchain consensus?

Blockchain's flaw has been acknowledged by both the author and me. Additionally, we have systems in place to address such problems democratically. As a result, you play the cards that are dealt to you without getting upset. Instead, you improve upon it. And you can get a lot out of it if you're persistent enough. Bitcoin is the alternative that gives me the most freedom to safeguard and minimally manipulate my future, so that's where my money goes.

5: The ability to bring about major change

For the typical American, nothing changes except that things grow worse. Since the 1960s, wages have not kept pace with inflation. A portion of Gen Z abandoned the 9 to 5 job. In addition, our nation has unmanageable debt. The wealthy use America as an ATM to spend money like electricity.

The blockchain concept put forward by Nakamoto goes far beyond anything they could have anticipated. It empowers people to enact change under their own terms. The corrupting influence of a centralized authority is removed. And does the system provide regular people with an equal opportunity to live in the world they desire?

It serves as a tool for self-empowerment and change.


America's systems are rife with corruption, particularly the financial system. Unfortunately, to empty their pockets, the few employ the many as pawns to be sacrificed. However, rather of crying about it, one should be furious. We adore personal autonomy. But if we ever hope to succeed and enjoy financial security, we must take advantage of possibilities.

Nothing, not even bitcoin, can save the human race. However, the concept of Bitcoin is the first step in the recovery of our lost freedoms. Bitcoin is a protector against corruption and a supporter of personal freedom. It provided decentralized, safe transaction power to effect fundamental change, restoring democracy to the common people.

We can choose to take advantage of Bitcoin's opportunity to free ourselves from serfdom and enter a better world. Will you let the opportunity slip by?

Thanks 👍


With no doubts, Bitcoin is more than an asset. The fact that it allows easy cross-border transactions is one of the things that will spur its mass adoption.

Bitcoin is indeed more than an asset, it's a payment method and doesn't involve any third party or middle, this is one of the beauty of this great innovation.

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