
The first thing is layer 2, which is what I believe will be the money-moving trend in 2023. The area of layer 2 that is growing the fastest in the crypto world. By total value locked in DeFi and layer 2 Optimism, Ethereum layer two Arbitruim has grown to be the fourth biggest chain. You only need to use all of your preferred Ethereum chain applications with a small gas fee to use it. It is far superior to blockchains Solano and Cardano. Even while Optimism and Arbitrium have been performing well, there are many other layers 2 that will be available very soon.

We have PolygonzkEVM, zkSync, and a ton of other networks, like Starkware, coming soon. I have no doubt that things will go very well the following year, with more funding and developers pouring into Ethereum Layer 2. However, that is not to say that things won't go well. That the next new blockchain will emerge should not surprise us. Even though the gaming platform has been offline owing to blockchain issues, we have gaming blockchains that are going to blow up. The market is already oversaturated because there have been so many new games released. There are too many businesses that don't supply actual technology, and there are not enough real games.

We are starting to see some really good things emerge from the space slowly. For instance, Illuvium recently released the beta version of their game and has 30,000 test participants waiting to sign up. If gaming becomes a major driver of cryptocurrency in the upcoming year and beyond, we shouldn't be shocked. There is no disputing that crypto has a difficult time both this year and last year due to a lot of questionable information being released. That is the first wave of NFTs, however there have been long-standing collecting movements like Bore Ape and Crypto Punk. The truth is that we have only just begun to explore this technology. Use of it as a profile photo or flipping it.

All significant global brands are investing in NFT for a reason, and that reason is the development of online ownership. I anticipate a huge influx of NFT artists and collectors in the coming year. Everyone is predicting a recession right now, and they all predict it will be severe. However, one thing is very clear: Be ready for whatever the market has in store for you the next year. After macro, crypto should be expected to come next. Right now, we should be anticipating a halt to FED rate increases, which could occur in March or April. Prior to that, the rate will be quite high, and barring any pauses, the rate increases may come to a halt.


WOW Thanks for the knowledge

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