Layer 1 vs. Layer 2 Solutions: Solving Blockchain Scalability Issues

in Tron Fan Club2 days ago (edited)

The Blockchain technology has really evolved over the years and it is really something wonderful to behold and actually admire of actually. In fact the Blockchain technology has changed a lot of things in our society. It has make things easier, faster and more secure for us to access.

Even though the Blockchain technology keeps facing some issues and difficulties but there have been two solutions that has come up with it and which I will like to share it with you guys. Layer 1 and Layer 2.


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Before I moved to my topic for today, I will like to talk about blockchain scalability. What does it really mean, it means the ability for a system to be able to handle a lot of numbers of users and transactions. Well that is one of the strengths of Blockchain technology. But recently now, it is actually looking like the number has increased massive due to the massive adoption of Blockchain.

And that is causing issues for the Blockchain world. The more the rate new users comes into the Blockchain world, the technology starts to struggle as it is getting congested and this can lead to the transaction being slowed down.

The layer 1 which is called the base layer is the foundation of the Blockchain network and that is where improvement and adjustments can be made to the Blockchain directly and this will allow things to be much more better and helps the Blockchain to carry out activities more effectively. Examples of layer 1 Blockchain I can give us the bitcoin and the Ethereum.


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Even though layer 1 helps to offer a lot of improvement, well along the road, they can start falling apart and that is why layer 2 comes in place. Layer 2 solution is really profound as it is most seen as the shortcut but carries so much power. The beauty of layer 2 is the fact that it will not change the Blockchain itself but will work on it to make it faster than ever before. Examples of Layer 2 that we now have are the lightning network.

Of course there have been so many questions that which one is much more better. Well both of them have their strength and weaknesses and so when they are combined together, they really work much more than when they stand alone. Most of the time, latere1 deals with improving the base why layer 2 helps to make things much more faster.


Layer 1 vs. Layer 2 Solutions: Solving Blockchain Scalability Issues is a great post.

Thank you

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