AI in Personalized Education and Learning Systems
No one can actually deny the fact that the innovation of the artificial intelligence have been able to transform a whole lot of things around in our contemporary age. So many lives have been affected positively and so many advantages I can say that AI have been able to offer. Every sector have been able to feel the effect of the artificial intelligence. Take for example the aspect health, the aspect of finance and many more. Today I want to talk about the aspect of the education.
Education is the foundation on which a whole lot of other careers thrives on. A lot of careers will not have been possible without education. In fact we will not have been able to have access to some information and knowledge if not the power of education. But you will agree with me that the sector of education have been following a particular pattern of transfer of knowledge but when artificial intelligence was introduced, it actually takes another shape which has really helped a whole lot.
With artificial intelligence, we are now having something called the Personalised education coming to full picture as compared to before. That was not so many decades ago if you will ask me. Personalised education is when a student can make a learning process be streamlined based on his own taste and desire. Before AI comes to the full picture in our society, of course we have been having education but not as personalised education, we have more of generalised education.
But with AI, we now even having a lot of learning platforms whereby students can participate and gradually grow. Take for example there are some applications I have been able to download on playstore which have aid me to learn some courses academically privately. Those types of applications comes with exercises and even more deeper and simple explanation that I can master. This is also applicable to a whole lot of people. With Artificial intelligence also, we now have more advanced way of teaching people or students rather which they can understand.
If you will ask me, I will say the Personalised education is taking it to another level and it is giving a lot of advantages for students. With personalized education that is powered by AI, we now have better way of learning by the students, we have easy accessibility to education irrespective of where you might be in the world. Right now location is no longer a barrier again for learning. This has also help to take the education sector to another level.
AI in Personalized Education and Learning Systems is a great content you have shared.