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Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah, I hope everyone is well, I am also well by the grace of Alhamdulillah. I will now write a few words related to the topic of this contest. As much as I have an idea about the subject, I will try to give the maximum. I hope everyone will like this post and my expression. So let's get started without delay.

What's trigger finger? Write in your own words after getting knowledge from the lesson post. (Note: don't add special tests or investigations and detailed treatment in this question. Write the answer precisely).
Trigger finger is an abnormal condition of the fingers, which is mainly caused by infection or inflammation of the tendons of the fingers, in which a person can not fist his fingers and can not move because he feels uncomfortable.
Tendon has an important role in the movement of our fingers, mainly because of the tendon, we can easily move our fingers, but for some reason, if there is an infection in the tendon and inflammation occurs, then our finger tendon becomes swollen, causing difficulty in moving and feeling uncomfortable.
- The finger is tightly stuck in a position, it can not be easily moved.
- There is a sound during finger movement.
- Pain felt in the tendons of the fingers.
- Fingers are swollen.
- Fingers are stiff.
Among whom trigger finger is more common:– |
- It is more common in people who work harder.
- Also more common in people with arthritis.
- This problem is more common in older people.
How would you diagnose a trigger finger? Any clinical investigation or assessment tests?
Patient’s History
To diagnose the trigger finger, we will first check the patient's history, such as whether the fingers are bent, whether there are tendon flowers, whether there is pain, whether there is difficulty in movement or discomfort, whether the problem is increasing due to excessive physical exertion, etc.
Then we will try to determine through physical examination, some physical examinations, such as, two types. It is given below.
- If there is swelling at the base of the fingers and if you feel pain when pressed.
- And whether I can move the finger properly, whether it feels stiff, or if it feels uncomfortable.
- Palpation test: Through this test, we will see if there is a lump or something hard after applying pressure to the finger.
- Usually no imaging is required for the trigger finger, yet in some cases this test is done for special consideration and complications. And ultrasound or MRI may be done to diagnose it.
Try to practice at least 3 exercises that you have learned from the lesson. Share images, gifs or videos while practicing preferably gifs or videos.
1st - Finger Extensor Strengthening
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Great post bro, you have explained trigger finger very well and shared effective exercises to relieve it. Your experience and analysis are really inspiring. Hope you will share such educational posts with us in future also. good luck
ধন্যবাদ ভাই 😊
Thank you for understanding the lesson and sharing your assignment; I hope that you will enjoy this week's lesson and try to implement it in your life if you see any such case.
Task 1 (2.7/3)
You have shared a great knowledge about trigger finger, its symptoms, causes but didn't add its stages. A bit more depth require to complete the answer. I appreciate your effort.
Task 2 (2.7/3)
In the second question, you tell us about how you have to assess a patient by doing physical examination, history taking, special tests and investigations. It would be better to add explanation of one more special test and investigations too. Great.
Task 3 (4/4)
You try the trigger finger stretch, finger joint massage, finger extensor strengthening. You did the finger joint massage stretches, finger extensor strengthening and trigger finger stretch correctly. Always remember to apply heat pack in chronic condition and ice pack in acute condition before performing exercises to relax the muscles and reduce stiffness. I appreciate your efforts.
Overall you made a great attempt to answer all the questions. I appreciate your efforts. But next time try to avoid the above written suggestions. Keep learning and try to implement your knowledge to the people suffering from trigger finger or any type of finger issue. Thank you.
Hello! You did great on the stretches and you have also provided knowledge about this ailment, if my finger got stuck I would panic. I wish you luck in the course.
Have a nice day!
Thank you so much...