⭐️ Painting Female Portrait, seventh day 💙

in ART 🌻🎨📝4 years ago

Hai! 😁
Here the seventh portrait, I'll be taking a break because doing these daily is taking me a little bit too much time and have lot's of works to finish 😅....

Well this woman I painted today, is another dear friend from Venezuela, her name is Barbara and she's also living now in Colombia, but in the city of Cali!, she's a writer and barista, I hope that soon I can make some time to illustrate some of her poems and self publish a book together 🤩🤩🤩

Technical Info:
Traditional Media on a tiny sketchbook
Used Mechanical Pencil, Inkpens and Colour Markers

Creation Process GIF


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Final Art

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Creative Commons
- @melooo182


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