Mech Blueprint part 1 (Head & Neck) Long time no post

Hello Folks! Long time no posting anything for a couple of months. I'm pretty sure ya'll don't know who I am but I've been a member of this community for 5 - 6 months (I think) now, so I'm still basically new. I've been on a hiatus on steemit because to be honest. I don't really feel like I'm enjoying sharing my art here, No offense tho lol. I just want to share both my feelings and my latest work in this post because it's been so long. Plus I've been really busy on different things like, studying different vocations that I want to master from the past few months until now.

I hope you guys read this art blog from start to finish and I really, really hope like it! :)

Without further ado, here's my latest project that took me 2 - 3 months to finish.

As you can see here, this is the front view of the machine or the mech's (robot's) head, if you guys are familiar with my previous posts. I always love Cyberpunk, machines, nature, and surreal "doomsday" arts (Pls visit my profile and check 'em out if you are curious UwU).

This first pic gave me headaches when I was illustrating the object's form, it took me 5 days to think on how it would look like.

I love the idea of doing a "blueprint art" on this thing because it fits the context.

If you look at the blueprint, you'll see texts or descriptions on how the certain parts of the head would function. I hope you'll enjoy reading them UwU.

Remember guys, this is only the head and the neck of the machine, The body and the limbs are still WIP.

Front View:
Mech blueprint (head & neck Front view) .png

The second picture is on a different angle or perspective, this is the upper view of the machine's head. The good thing here is that I can now visualize the form in my mind without having any headaches now because I now have a clear image on how the form would look like. Upper, side, and rear. See it on the next images.

Upper View:
Mech blueprint (head & neck upper view).png

The 3rd picture shows the side angle of the machine's head and neck, you can visualize that on the left side is the right side and on the right side is the left side. By the time I was almost done drawing this part, I suddenly have a brilliant idea on what to add on these illustrations....

Side view (left & right):
Mech blueprint (Head & Neck Side view).png

Yep, I put computer code as part of the artwork. That's the brilliant idea, not sure if this is a weird or funny idea , if any one of you readers are also computer programmers. I'm still new to programming and I started programming 3 - 4 months ago so yeah, this is one of those "vocations" that I've been practicing, as a beginner computer programmer, I'm happy with this idea because it fits so well, in this code. I added texts and descriptions related to my machine illustrations. And yes, the code is Object-Oriented. I've heard Object-Oriented Programming is bad but let's just ignore that for now lol. Don't wanna ruin the art.

To the readers who are probably experienced computer programmers, I'm happy to say that I learned 5 diff. programming languages in my 3 - 4 months of self-teaching. Until now I'm still studying and I enjoyed coding this one.

sooo Yay me *celebrates alone UwU (^o^)/

Sorry folks that I couldn't post the whole code cuz... There are "private" stuffs in the code too LOL! Nope, nothing bad or weird tbh but it has to be private.

Programming language used: C++



On the next picture shows the rear part of the machine's head & neck, this is the last angle of the machine and I just finished this yesterday together with the computer code.

The moment I finished my work, I planned on posting this on steemit because this is exactly what I just did.

Rear View:
Mech blueprint (Head & Neck Rear View).png

Hope you guys like this post, Take care ya'll and stay safe. UwU

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