My son's world

He said this is a bookmark. Because I love to read book. He also said that he made a lot of these for sale because he wanted to buy his own "upgraded" bicycle. He loves to do different riding tricks.

Every parent, every mother have their own stories to tell about their children. it may be common to all or unique to some. Nevertheless, I would like to share my story about this son of mine.

When he was born, he was found to have a G6PD or Glucose - 6- Phosphate Dehydrogenase deficiency. This is a genetic disorder affecting male children in which the red blood cells does not make enough G6PD or it just does not serve its real purpose thereby creating a miscommunication in the child's system that may result to allergies, anemia, among others.

Even with that, by God's grace, we were able to cope as a family . He was able to live a normal life. But along with that, his teacher at school was always concerned about his behavior in class. He said he would always seemed to be busy and required a one on one teaching facilitation. This got me worried and so I take a time researching, asking experts and eventually, leading us to consult an occupational therapist. There I learned that my son is in the ADHD spectrum, thus needed much observation and also required therapy and further examinations. Unfortunately, time and budget did not allow us to take my child to further tests. Thus, I did my own research on how would I deal such kind of behavior and difference.

From then on, I always take the time to interact with him, listen to him, cuddle him even if he's a bit big already, and mostly praised his "works of arts", as he claimed. From scratch papers, used empty bottles, sticks, scrap metals, clays and others. This activity would always satisfy him and eventually do his assigned tasks. These crafts of his always brought joy to my life, and I am more of a proud mother.

He also love monster trucks.

Among the three of my children, he is the sweetest. He would always tell me that he made it for me, either, according to him, "make your life at ease", or simply a gift. And it is a daily basis.

One time, when I arrived home, I received this blue heart and told me, "I painted this blue ummie (mama) because its cold. Red is hot and might hurt you. i don't want that to happen". I nearly cried. My "blue" heart just melted right then and there.


This has always been one of my inspiration. Because my child, my children does not just taught me on appreciating little things, they also showed me that being different does not make you any less of a person, it makes you special.


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