Hello friend, I will like to share with you part of my traditional identity...the Ohafia war dance.


Our world is made of people with different culture. Part of the culture is the way of dancing... The world have their own traditional dances to celebrate love, peace, harvest and even war.

Ohafia war dance is one of the cultural display in the eastern part of Nigeria. Ohafia war dance

How was the Ohafia war Dance invented?

According to history, Ohafia people were known for their way prowess, they engaged themselves in wars so as to show their greatness in fights. From that time till now Ohafia people have been proud of being part of a line of mighty warriors and this has been seen as part of their cultural heritage

Meaning of Ohafia war dance


The Ohafia warriors started the tradition of iri agha, beheading their fallen enemies...from a usual war event, this process turned into a performance that was called to show the might and prowess of Ohafia people. Human skulls taken during wars were kept as souvenirs and as a proof of their courage and honor (Only those who had a human head to bring home from another battle could wear eagle feathers.) That were a sign of courage and might

The group of dancers is headed by a leader who has a basket with human skull.
The basket is traditional called oyaya ( it shows how many skulls the warriors have gathered owing to their prowess and smartness.) He also carries a small cutlass and a palm shoot. The men who accompany him, pretend to be cutting human heads. The performance is done with Igbo traditional music played with the akwatankwa

This is all about Ohafia war dance...hope you found it interesting
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