On Insults: One Way Of Thinking About It

in Inspire People3 years ago
“You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks.” ― Winston S. Churchill

Reno Laithienne

Once upon a time, a well-known teacher walked with his disciples to a street.

During their walk, they met with an ill-tempered person who halted them and thundered at the teacher: "Who are you?".

"Why are you lecturing people? Stop it!" the stranger continued with his rant, and then he added some of the land's choicest words of insult.

The disciples were not amused. They wanted to fight with the stranger. One of them raised the question, "Master, why didn't you just put him back in his place?".

The teacher looked at his disciple and quizzed him, "If a person gave you a gift and you didn't accept it, then to whom did the gift belong?".

"To the person who brought that gift for me".

The teacher then explained to the disciple, saying, "Likewise, the insults belonged to the man," continuing, "He kept speaking rubbish yet I didn't give him a reply just so his words could remain where they belonged".

Buddha, I'm told, is the name of the teacher. He inquired with his disciples, "Shall we continue walking?".


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