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RE: Point & Shoot LargeFormatPhotography: My New/Old Grand Camera

in PHOTOGRAPHY [DAC]4 years ago (edited)

It's people having 'a good idea', like renovating these old cameras, then making a business out of it, and buying all cheap cameras. First step is good, 2nd is greedy...

I totally understand that you are not happy with the quality of those shots; they have been for test purposes only (focus, exposure/shutter, light leaks), and have been photographed from the negatives with my phone... so yes, terrible quality, but I am super happy as now I know it's all working.

It inspires me to finish my lab (which is a huuuge project), so I can do proper stuff with this amazing camera. In colour.

Always happy about your open critcs; it is a rare thing, and it shows much more interest than the usual 'Great Pic Bro!'.


ah! light leaks, and photographed from the negatives with my phone... <- that summs up all about it. I am sure I will appreciate others better!


Just give it/me some time; 3-4 weeks and everything will turn fine art ;)

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