SIZ Education|Humanoid Robotics| by @faiqahaider5

in Steem Infinity Zone3 years ago

Hello Everyone!
I am back with a new trending topic in the field of IT . When I read about Humanoid Robotics , I find it quite interesting that is why I have decided to share my knowledge about this topic with all of you guyzz.

designed by @faiqahaider5 using canva

What is Humanoid Robotics ?

The word humanoid means that anything which is related to human being and has some characteristics of humans. So humanoid robots are those which looks like humans ,they are shaped similar to the structure of human beings and generally have torso, two arms, a head and two legs whereas some of them may also have eyes, face and mouth. They are categorized as Androids(male humanoid) and Gynoids(female humanoid). In 1945 ,Leonardo Da Vinci created one of the earliest humanoid.

Difference between Robot & Humanoids

ROBOTS:A robot is a machine capable of doing complex tasks within no time.It can be of any shape or size. Characteristics of robot include movement, sensing, power and intelligence.Unimate was the first programmable industrial robot. HUMANOIDS:A humanoid is a robot that looks like a human and it is specially designed to perform complex tasks and also compatible with the human tools and environment.WABOT-1 was the world's first humanoid robot to communicate with humans.

What are humanoid robots made of?

Sensors play a vital role for humanoid robots to behave like human beings. These sensors not only enhances the performance of robots , it also enables the humanoid to perform intellectual tasks and functions like a human does. Generally humanoids are categorized as small-sized humanoids, medium-sized humanoids and large-sized humanoids.There are various types of sensors used in present day robots are:
  • Proprioceptive sensors:They are generally used for sensing speed, position and orientation of robots.
  • Proximity sensors: Their purpose is to detect the nearby objects around robots.
  • Range sensors:They are used to measure the distances.
  • Tilt sensors:These are used to measure the inclination.
  • Accelerometers:They are used to measure the acceleration.

Advanced Humanoid Robots

In today's era, advanced humanoid robots are capable of performing multiple activities at same time.These robots are fully automated as they adapt their surroundings and are capable of self-maintenance with an advanced feature of autonomous learning so they never perform such tasks that may harm people,property and themselves. These humanoids performs variety of jobs from household solutions to complex tasks.

In this picture there is a 3d model of an advanced humanoid robot named as Android which has human-like features.
Similar to human beings , Android can talk with a computerized voice. It can jump,walk,run and climb stairs just like human does.

Other Advanced Humanoid Robots Present In Marketplace

  • It is launched in 2016 and is a very popular super advanced humanoid robot to mimic human expressions.
  • It can show more than 60 different human expressions.
  • Artificial Intelligence is the state of art used in Sophia.
  • image.png

PEPPER: ROMEO: There are many others present in the market such as DRAwIn-OP, DARwIn Mini, NAO Evolution and UBTECH Alpha 1S – .
Artificial Intelligence In Humanoid Robots
Humanoid Robots are one of the most popular form of AI. TheAI-based Interaction is the level where humanoids can interact with human beings. This helps to decipher commands, questions, statements and also enable to give witty and sarcastic replies.


Future Scope Of Humanoid Robots

A few years ago , there was only research work in Humanoid Robotics ,but with the passage and need of time, there has been observed a great development in this field as humanoids are helpful everywhere whether it is a heavy industry ,medical transplants or houses. Their demands are raising day by day as they save plenty of time and perform heavy tasks very easily.Further more,in the field of IT humanoid robots are game changer as scientist and engineers are working more on the advancement of humanoids.

So, this is what I have researched about Humanoid Robots and If you are a sci-fi freak you must have seen humanoids before in movies such as Man of Steel,Star Trek,Green Lantern and many many more. I hope so, that you find this post informative and interesting as well. Thankyou for Reading

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