SIZ EDUCATION || Disadvantages of technology in education || Regards By @bakar || 17-06-2022 ||

in Steem Infinity Zone2 years ago

Technology can create dependencies to remember information.

If you can't immediately remember a piece of information, what is your next step in finding the answer? Most people will say that they will look online for the data they want or ask a virtual assistant like Alexa to answer them.

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Access to a wealth of resources is great, but it can also create dependencies because of its presence.

If we do not teach students how to memorize information on their own without the use of a smart device or computer, the next generation of students will not be able to function unless they have access to technology. ۔

Presence of technology can distract students.

When children play video games, they may react to addictive behaviors. Their focus is on the fun they get more than anything else. If the learning environment uses reward-oriented games to encourage learning, the child may be more concerned with what is being learned through the software or app than with what they are learning.

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While the correct answers may reveal knowledge, the information may not be as well-preserved as expected. Teachers need to set and enforce healthy boundaries when using technology in the classroom so that healthy outcomes are possible.

The use of technology can cause some students to be disconnected from the classroom.

Chatting online with others is a unique experience when you collaborate with someone online. Staying behind the screen gives you a layer of anonymity that you don't get with face-to-face conversations.Learning how to work together using technology is an essential skill, but it cannot be another option that teachers introduce in their classrooms.

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We should encourage social interactions that accurately convey thoughts, feelings or emotions so that the child can live a better life for himself when he is offline.

Technology can make it easy to cheat.

Remember those TV shows and movies where kids would break into a teacher's classroom, steal a test answer key, and then write everything down on their wrist, shoe or slip of paper?Now a student can send himself a text with this information.

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They can send that data to someone else over the phone. Email may also send this information. There should also be strict rules regarding the use of technology during quizzes or tests when accurate measurement of students' knowledge is required so that their overall progress can be assessed.

Technology is a resource that not all families can afford.

Technology, whether in the classroom or at home, is a means to an end in today's world. Some families cannot afford to buy computers to handle their children's school work.

There are school districts that do not have enough money to pay their salaries each year to add new tech components for learning.

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When we insist on having technology in the classroom, we place them at a significant disadvantage at the very bottom of the wage scale.

More accessible students can learn more and gain more access to lessons, which means they have additional information on display which can increase their chances of success.


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 2 years ago 

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