title of the contest - How Was Your Day Today?

in Steem Talentlast year

Hey guys, before anything I would like to thank @azeem22 for organizing this event. As a beginner, I think this contest is a huge opportunity for me.

So, in this post, I’m gonna talk about how is my day. Today is the 8th of July and the time is 11.22 am. Oh, I forgot to introduce myself before. I’m Sachin from Sri Lanka. I’m 21 and an undergraduate student.


How is my day so far? I woke up at 10 am because I’m a night owl, I slept around 4 in the morning last night. So after I woke up usually I check my phone for new notifications, today I saw everyone posting WhatsApp statuses about their new Threads accounts. So I went to the app store and downloaded the app. Actually, it’s a new social media app from Meta, it’s kinda like Twitter. After that, I did my usual stuff like my personal hygiene routine and it’s the most enjoyable part of my day… playing with my dog.


Here is my dog, his name is Leo and without playing with him for at least 10min I feel like it's an incomplete day. So yeah, I did play with my dog and came straight to my room. I didn’t tell you guys before that I’m a kinda introvert guy I spent most of my day inside my room. Yeah after came to my room I started listening to my Spotify playlist and started doing my work. These days I’m enrolled in a web development boot camp in Udemy.com and it’s the only thing I do these days. Now it’s 12.05 pm and now is the time I’m writing this blog post while listening to an audiobook called “Rich Dad Poor Dad”.

It's 4.49 pm now and now I'm back to write about my day. after finished writing the first part of my post my sister came to my room and gave me some jackfruit to eat and stupid me I had them before even having breakfast, I got a headache and had no choice but to take a nap. That's what I did, I took a nap and woke up around 3 pm as I remembered. I told you above that I have a four-legged friend. Yeah, the next thing I did is went to play with him because he wants to play every day before taking a shower and yeah he wants to take a shower every day I think that's because in my country it's always above 30 degrees. after playing with him I bathed him and came back to my room because I had some unfinished tasks for the day, Yeah I had to finish some exercise from a course I'm taking these days. It's a course about javascript algorithm basics from freecodecamp.org


now it's 5 pm it is almost time to take a walk, I have to walk 5000 steps every day with Leo. so I'll come back after my walk to finish this post. okay, I'm back it's almost 6 pm and it's time to finish this post. so as I told you earlier I went for a walk with my dog Leo. and came back cuz my sister called me for tea, no it's not usual, but today she made some snacks 😂


this is it I don't know the name of this snack but it tastes like bread sticks dipped in sugar syrup😂enough about snacks after that we went back to walking


after that we came back home, now Leo is taking a nap as usual and it's 6.22 pm I'm writing this. so this is the end I guess because after this I'm gonna take a shower and have my dinner and to bed as usual nothing special to mention. So it's 7/8/2023 and this is how I spent my day. I have to invite 3 of my friends for this contest hence I got no friends yet I decided to invite someone from the community,

I invite you guys to participate in this contest, thank you.

until next time,

 last year (edited)
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