Facts we need to know about snails //@Johnson66 //09/03/2021.

in Fur-friends4 years ago

Greetings fellow steamians
Hope every body is fine, there are some facts we need to know about snails, i found interest discussing with you about snails because we really need to know more about that creature.

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Snails belong to the class of Gastropoda, the word Gastropoda means "stomach foot". Meaning their stomach is their foot, they walk with their stomach,
A terrestrial snail or slug secretes mucus from a gland in its muscular foot, which helps it move and leaves behind a distinctive slime trail.

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Body structure
A snail is small in size, and it body consist of five different part -the head, the neck, the visceral hump, the tail and the foot.snails have two pairs of tentacles, one pair bearing the eyes and the other serving as smelling organs.

Snails are hermaphrodites, meaning both male and female organs are present in a single body.
Apple and periwinkle snails are two notable exceptions, with distinct male and female members of the species. Snails have reproductive organs close to the top of their bodies to facilitate mating. Fertilization is simultaneous, with two individuals of snails exchanging sperms. Most species lay their eggs underground, though a few are ovoviviparous, giving birth to live young.

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Feeding habits
Snails use rough tongue called a radula, "an organ that looks like horny file"-for rasping away at their food and scraping it into their mouths.Their teeth, which are made of chitin,also helps in breaking down their food. Its diet consist of algae, fungi, dead organic matter and a variety of field and garden crops. Ripe strawberries and tomatoes are among their favorite treats.few species are carnivorous - such as the Red Daudebardia snail and the Sicilian predator snail – and feed on earthworms, insect larvae and other snails. These species have long sickle-shaped radulae.

Snails can live in nearly all the habitat in this planeti, including salt and fresh water. They favor moist environments such as moss, tree bark, piles of damp refuse and rotting logs. Some snails protect their soft tissues by closing their operculum, or shell door,as they retreats, Still other snails survive dry periods by resorting to aestivation, a form of hibernation, in which they seal themselves in their shells with a layer of dried mucus and remain dormant until conditions become favorable. Some species can stay inactive for as long as 4 years.

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