My Scout Story. Steemit Participation Challenge, Week 1 by @yakspeace

in Scouts y sus Amigos2 years ago
Hello everyone, It's yet another beautiful day for me to welcome you all to my blog. I'm so delighted to be here in this community, today i will sharing my scout story with you all and k hope you enjoyed reading appreciation goes to this very community for organizing this contest.

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Long time ago, in the land of Taraba State, there was a little girl called peace, she live with her parents and she had an elder brother Dimas. Dimas was a scout member in there church and the name of the group is unity Scouts. As at then peace always admire her brother when ever he wears there scout uniform, to the extent she told her parents that she want to join the scouts group, but her parents did not allow her because she was to small to join, but they told her that once she is 16years she will be allowed to to join the scouts group. She was not happy with her parents decision but she hard no option than to obey what they said.

Years ago peace was 16th and she quickly remainded her parents about the promise they made to her, so they allowed her to join the scouts group, peace was very Happy because, her dreams of joining the scouts has come to reality.

Year after, it was time for the group to go out for their yearly adventure, this time around peace and her brother will be part of the adventure. That day when their leader told them to prepare for the adventure, peace was very excited, when she got home she told her parents about it and they gave them some money to prepare them self for the trip. And this time around, they will be traveling to mambila plateau for the adventure. The land is blessed with natural resources.

The day for the adventure finally came, and they took a bus from jalingo to mambila plateau which is two hours journey, they where 10 in number including peace and her brother.the bus man dropped them and he left. Then they went into the forest at mambila plateau for there adventure, reaching there they all set there tent, everyone was happy, the journey was a little bit stressful because they have to work on foot down to the forest,so everyone was allowed to sleep.

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Early in the morning, they all had there first breakfast together and after that, the camping started properly. All of them went inside the forest in search of fire wood, while they were picking the firewood John started singing a song and they all joined him. Everybody was so happy while singing and picking the firewood. In the evening they used the firewood for there campfire.

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During the campfire night,they eat, drink,dance, and there leader told them a beautiful story about the land of mambila, after the story they all retired back to there tent to rest.

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The next day, they went to a place where they called water fall at mambila plateau, the place was very nice and cool, looking at the water falling down from the mountain was very inspiring so all of them swim, and they were very happy doing that. After spending much time at the waterfall they all went back to their tent.

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The last day of the camping, their leader called them out and adviced them to take their studies very serious and also he told them not to forget all their trainings,after much discussion that morning they still went out, and this time they went to the mountain, where all of them clam the mountains. Clamping the mountain was very exciting for them and they hard fun.

They next day, they packed there things to go back home. On there way going back they hard an accident, and Dimas was unconscious, some were injured but peace was not injured at all, she only hard small broses on her left hand. The people around the village quickly rushed them to the hospital but peace brother did not make it,he death before reaching the hospital, peace cried and even regreated why they joined the scouts, Dimas was her only brother. When the parents hard about the death, the father was heartbroken and he vowed never to allow anyone from his children joined the scouts again. That was how peace left the scouts group and since then her parents where not able to give birth to another child.

This story is a true life story about myself and my late brother Dimas, anytime I here about scouts i always remember him, his memories are still fresh in my head, it's now 10years when he left me.

I invite @josantos @ishayachris and @zeakyakub to come and participate in this Contest.

Sorry for your late brother dear. I believe he is resting with the lord. For your article, you have written a beautiful one. Keep it up

Thank you, I really appreciate

Your story is very interesting and heart touching, the camping was very good but the accident spoiled everything. Sorry your Lost. An I wish you all the best in this contest.
Thank you for inviting me

Thank you for your kind words I really appreciate

 2 years ago 

Hi,gee what a sad ending all her longing to be a scout and unite with her brother and in the end he loses his life.The parents in their grief blamed the scout group but in reality it was the fate of these people,the protagonist lived her longed for experience but it turned into pain and a sadness that will haunt her all her life.

Hmmmmm, it's well my dear friend. What more can we say, God have given and he has taken.
Thank you very much, I really appreciate your effort reading through my article.

Que historia Amiga 😞 mientras leía por momentos pensaba que era una historia creada por ti y no verdadera...

De corazón siento mucho lo de tu hermano, una gran perdida para tus padres 😞

Impactante de verdad todo lo que les pasó 😞
Gracias por compartirnos tu historia 🤗

Te deseo el mayor de los éxitos e infinitas bendiciones 🤗

Thank you very much Ma'am I really appreciate your efforts, reading through my article.

I really like your writeup not too long but load with meaning keep it up, I will really love to see more post from you.

I'm glad you like my writeup, thank you very much for passing by

You have shared your own life scout history to participate in the competition. Which is a long time ago, in fact scout is an experience that really gives joy and is something to remember in life. Very nicely presented the story in front of us, I wish you success in this competition.

Thank you very much sir, I really appreciate your wonderful comments.

 2 years ago 

Dios amiga pensé que era una historia normal como muchas pero luego de leer su publicación y llegar hasta el final es pasar por todo esto después de disfrutar tanto y ya junto cuando volverían a casa de un gran viaje sucede este accidente donde usted es una de esas personas que vivió en carne propia la perdida de su hermano.

Saludos 🇻🇪👍

Thank you very much for taking your time to go through my article, I really appreciate 🙏🤗

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