My Scout Story. Steemit Participation Challenge, Week 1 by @tamighty

in Scouts y sus Amigos2 years ago (edited)

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I greet the administrators, moderators and all the Steemians in Scout y sus Amigos community. Kudos to the admins who have done a great work in getting the community to be in the season two of the Steemit Engagement Challenge. Congratulations to the community as a whole and the steemians who have actively written scout stories here.

My heart is filled with joy to be part of this contest. This day, I will tell my scout story as some steemians have done. Please join me to read as I put in letters my scout story in accordance with the five words: Camping, Campfire, Youth, Brotherhood, Nature.

Junpa a former soldier full of strength and wisdom got retired from the Nigerian Army and went to his village to and spent his last days. He was one of the most powerful and wise soldier in the Nigerian army. Because he could not get a college degree, he stayed in the field and fought until he got retired.

Junpa's wisdom led the group of soldiers he joined to victories countless times and in no distant time he joined the army, he was promoted to lead his group in the war field.

Until he retired, he didn't loose any war and none of his group members died during war.
After his retirement, he thought within himself how he was going to cope staying at home. He wanted to stay and fight in the army until his last breathe but as that wasn't possible, he left for his village Kuba.

Kuba was a village that had faced security challenges for years. Many times, armed men came to the village to steal the people properties. The police authority couldn't do anything to stop their activities, so everyone who stayed in the village had to provide a security measure for their family by being their brothers keeper.

Though Junpa had an apartment in the city, he chose to come back to his village to tackle the security issues in his village. He came back and visited the police station to liase with the D.P.O, lending him some wisdom to carry out his duty. With that, the security of the village was strengthened to a large extent.

The coming back of Junpa scared away some of the persons that terrorised the village while those who felt they were lords kept terrorizing different parts. Junpa knew that only the Police force in the village was not enough to secure the village so he went out and selected some physically strong youths after he had talked to their parents. Junpa selected thirteen young agile youths who he knew could stand to defend the village. All the selected boys were happy to be in Junpa's list and were ready to defend the village.

Junpa told them they needed to be trained to be able to carryout the task they have been called to perform. So he called them to his house where he gave them some orientation and enlightenment after which he told them he was taking them to a place to get them prepared for the task. He told them they were to be trained for 15 days in Duta Forest.

Duta Forest is a forest miles away from the village. It was given to Junpa extended family for farming but because most of them didn't stay in the village, larger part of the place have overgrown brushes. Junpa visited the place some of the times he came to the village. In some of those times, he spent two or three days before he returns.

Junpa spent his money and bought every necessary thing the boys will eat and need for the training. He also told the boys to get whatever they would need personally.

They gathered in Junpa's house after all had been set. They journeyed for 6hours on foot before they got to Duta Forest. It was a long trek. Because it was part of the training, Junpa only let them rested twice. When they got their, all of them were tired. It was already 6:30pm but the day was till Bright. Junpa was the only one strong. So he went out and got woods to arrange where they were going to sleep and also build a wooden tent for them to relax. The place was a forest, so in a short time, he got the woods he needed for the tents and fire they would need for warmth.

He came back, built a mini tent. Outside of it he set campfire to lighten up the environment. They all gather around the fire and ate and in a short while, they all slept. Junpa stayed awake making the big tent until it was 3pm. He tidied up the environment before he went and had some sleep.

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In the morning, as early as 6:30am, he woke the boys for there first session of training. It was earlier than what the boys thought but they did not say anything. It was a difficult training at first but with time they adapted and had a wonderful time. In the afternoon, they took a work away from their camping site into the forest. Junpa took them to a different place where they had their afternoon sessions of training. On their way back, they hunted down an alligator which they planned to be used for dinner. They also gathered enough wood to cook and also set campfire.

When they got to their camping site, it was already getting dark. They prepared food and ate. After all of them had eaten, they gathered around the campfire where Junpa told them many stories of his life of being a soldier. They had many facial expressions ranging from surprise looks to fear and disbelief. Sometimes they all burst into laughter. They enjoyed the evening more because of the stories, no one could sleep. When it was 10:15am, he told them to go and sleep.

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Early hours of the following day, at exactly 5am, they all jumped up from their sleep at the sound of the roaring of a bear. They all rushed out of the tent to see what was about to befall them. To their dismay, Junpa approached them with a young bear in a cage he set the day before. It was then they got relieved. They couldn't sleep again. Junpa called them to get ready for their morning training. At 5:15am, they had begun the training. It was more intense than the previous day but they enjoyed it because it was a mixture of both fun and pain as Junpa made it mixed session.

In the afternoon, it was a different ball game as they went into the forest where he trained them on how to climb to the top of very tall trees. All of them could master the act of climbing after series of explanations and practical demonstration. They got back to the camping site earlier than usual. They played some traditional games together until the evening approach. At that time it was 5:30pm. It was then they discovered they were short of firewood. Junpa selected six of to get fire wood from a nearby place which they used for the campfire. They went and came back quick before darkness took over the forest.

Photo courtesy of @fjjrg, Palito Blanco, Edo. Zulia, Venezuela

After they had eaten, they gathered around the campfire. Junpa told them another round of stories. They had a good time. They had bonded so well with one other and a strong brotherhood had been formed amongst them in just three days. Junpa then, gave them a name: Duta Brotherhood Scouts. They liked the name because it's just like a normal club name. He told them he gave them that name for the sake of disguise.

As the days of their training came to an end, they have all been empowered greatly with physical strength and wisdom by Junpa. It was a nice outing for them as they had a communion among themselves and nature for the first time. They had a long time in hugs as tears flowed before they set out for the journey home.

They returned home a strong soldier for the community of Duta. In a short while, they have handed over all the criminals that disturbed the peace of the village to the Police force. Peace and tranquility was restored the village of Duta that was only known for crimes.

This made the Nigerian government recruit thirteen of them into the Nigerian army to help in curbing the security challenges the country as a whole faced.

This was Junpa's plan all along. He wanted his replica in the Nigerian army. Since he did not have a male child, he decided to bless his hometown. Thirteen brave and giant youths from the same villa were recruited into the army of a country just by the act of Junpa in the security of his village.

I cannot drop my pen without inviting @merci26, @dave-hanny and @sikan-eyen to participate in this contest.

I hope you enjoyed the story. Thank you for spending time on my page. Do have a fruitful contest outing.


Duta brotherhood scout, what a name. The story is an interesting one, it will be such miss if i didnt come across this post. At last peace reign in the village of duta,
Best of luck pal
Wonderful presentation

Thank you boss!

Can I get your link for this contest so I go through it?

There are so many things to gain in life by really working as a scout team. As you said, working together with everyone for a few days will also increase brotherhood. The name given to the scout team by Junpa is amazing.

Thanks you for your comment.
I am happy you gained something from the story.

Thanks for visiting my blog

 2 years ago 

What a wonderful story! You have nailed it and I loved every moment of it!. Thank you for sharing it with the world.
My favorite part.... "Duta Brotherhood Scouts".

big diplomatic officer whose rank is sent by his government or his country to a foreign country to live there as a representative of his kingdom

They were big ranked officers!!
Good luck for the contest!

This is a complete scout experience. Junpa has shown how brave he is and the love he has for his village and country at at large.

Thank God all of the Duta Brotherhood scouts got into the army as Junpa wanted.

Very beautiful story🥰

Junpa to me is indeed a selfless legend. How can someone have an apartment in the city but choose to live in the village just to help with the insecurities of his people wow..This is so touching..

Thank you for sharing

Thanks for reading and commenting.

You are welcome

A very nice story today I enjoyed through your post. In fact, it is a complete adventure experience, it is a very beautiful story when you see your post. Junpa

Thank you so much for presenting this story to us so beautifully.

Thanks for reading dear.
I appreciate your coming to my blog.

 2 years ago 

Excelente historia acá podemos aprender de todo un poco y sobre todo el compañerismo, y que entre compañeros pueden ayudarse en aprender diferentes actividades disfrutar de la naturaleza contar historias y el encendido de la fogata.

Saludos 🇻🇪👍

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