SEC-S8W5. "I missed the idea!"

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Hello friends,

I have never met such a funny engagement contest here. I felt happy and couldn't stop laughing while writing this article. While writing the article I could recall all my beautiful memories. So let me share my missed ideas and the incidents with you all.

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Have you ever been saying something and forgot what you were talking about, what happened?

As you all know I'm a busy person in my work life and it is obvious that I forget things easily. I sometimes feel like I have short-term memory loss😂. Especially in board meetings and employee meetings I plan a lot and gather information to do the speeches but the reality is sometimes the most important essential points are forgotten.

I have met so many instances that I missed what I was telling. Sometimes they are hilarious but sometimes awkward. When I'm at home with my family I sometimes forget what my sister or mom tells me to bring or to tell. Many important things have been missed due to this forgetting issue.

Especially when I call someone to give a most important message I sometimes forget that important message and I speak something else. There are such nice instances in my life where I forget things to tell while speaking.

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When you have been asked a question that you know, but at the moment of answering you got confused, how do you respond?

This frequently happens to me. When someone ask me a question I sometimes forget what to answer. One day when my mom asked me some information about the wedding ceremony what I should tell was the things our wedding planner told. But instead I forgot what to say and I told mom all the details and the out look of the hotel except the important details discussed with the wedding planner. Actually, I have missed some important points. So my mom and sister were told that being a young girl I still forget the most important things. When I later think about whether I told everything then remember the points I didn't tell.

At my workplace when I had a meeting with the auditors I had to explain about another shipment and there were several important points. But while the explanation going on I had forgotten a few important things about the quality-checking techniques. During the shipment, the auditors came asking for a few clarifications and then I was confused about whether I didn't explain those in the previous meeting.

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Do you always remember your ideas and everything you have to do, or do you have to take notes?

I'm very poor at remembering things. So I have my notes on my phone and also I maintain a notebook in my handbag to keep notes that are really important. Then I also maintain a diary to update the daily important things so that I read the previous day's things when I write today's. I get an idea of what to be done and to work without missing anything.

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When you answer a question, do you repeat the question as part of your answer?

When answering a question I like the answer to be short and easy to understand quickly so I don't use repetitions. According to my profession short and easy-to-understand facts.

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So this is my story about forgetting things. I think this will be enough for the topic today, I would like to invite @goodybest, @chant, and @nilanka to participate in this contest. Thank you all for reading my post. Have a nice day.


Ive read through your article and understood your point. It is good to be truthful to ones self. When we know out ability, we work in relation to how best to handle them. Taking notes are very important strategy to avoiding this loop.
Good luck

thank you friend.

Saludos compeñera @nadeesew, que buena participación, a veces se nos olvida decir las cosas quizás por qué estamos pensando demasiado de eso en esos momentos, y al llegar a decirlo , decimos otra cosa saliendo de la idea principal.

Tomar algunas notas es aconsejable, más cuando se trata de algo importante z es bueno tener un respaldo.

Gracias por tus respuestas amiga, bendiciones y mucha suerte en el reto.

Thank you friend


I see that you really enjoy this challenge, you tell me in detail about your daily life. That's very interesting to read. You also often forget for a while but you also prepare notes on your cellphone and notebook. We wish you success in this contest,, 👍

Thank you friend

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