Steemit Engagement Challenge S5-W2 / 3 images, one story.

in Scouts y sus Amigos2 years ago (edited)

3 images, one story

Hello steam fam,

It’s been quiet a while since I posted here, been really preoccupied and I kept missing challenges to join but here I am 

I would love to join the the “3 images, one story” challenge. From my images above, you would observe three different stages of my life. I would to share three important stages in my life and how they relate; high school life, university life and the compulsory one year service year (National Youth Service) after graduation.

1. High School Life

My High school

I enrolled into a Public high school in 2009, it was a wonderful experience, I was going to a new kind of school, a new environment and I would meet new individuals. When I got to junior high school, I was made to commence registration immediately. I was then shown my class and was given a seat close to the back of the class, after the registration period (which lasted for about 3-5 days). There was a total of 73 students in my class and we have 5 of the same kind of class (that is classes A -E). I was really surprised that a school could have so much students, just Junior Secondary School Class 1A (popularly known in Nigeria as JSS1A). We had averagely the same number of students in classes A – E. While progressing through secondary school, one very special and important moments of my life was when I became the senior prefect of my school. I was so elated, I was so proud of how far I have come. I might not wish to go back to Junior High or Senior High but the experience was worth it.

2. University Life.


Life in the university is quite different from that of High school, I attended a public university so there was so much freedom and free hand. Here, you were responsible for everything and every decision you make. You could decide not to take your studies seriously and it would show in your results. So we had to fashion our life in such a way that it could balance with education, social, spiritual and actually living. Some people come and party all day and all night, having zero time to actually do what brought them to the university, others too the whole social life more seriously than their academics. One of my lecturer would always say “every decision you make as a university student, you would either appreciate or regret the day you graduate”. Life as a student is okay, it has some form of direction because you know what to do per time, you wake up every morning having foreknowledge of how the day would look like.

3. Service Year

Service Year

National Youth Service Corps (NYSC), a scheme created by the Federal Government of Nigeria in order to instill discipline and post graduation knowledge into graduates. It is also a platform where the graduate can give back to the immediate community in which he is posted to. During this one year compulsory service, you get to be posted to a different location entirely, sometimes very far from your region, you get to be locked up in the orientation camp for 21 days, where you would be giving orientation on how to be a Corp member and effectively serve your fatherland, while working with the vision and goals of the scheme. So far, my service period has been my best phase, I would write about it soon 


The 3 images above depict 3 different phases in my life that are connected, this is because after your high school, you would need the high school certificate to be enrolled into a university and you would also need a university certificate to be enrolled into the NYSC scheme. As I said, my NYSC period is my favorite period so far. I want to invite a few of my friends @mmmmkkkk311, @hive-181136 and @dlike to also journey this amazing contest in this community today.

 2 years ago 

His experiences have served as inspiration for this story, study is important for young people to set goals of benefit, avoid ignorance.

Fulfilling a duty of every citizen of his country can be an enriching experience, isolation can be hard, but you have to take advantage of every moment to learn something that may save your life or the lives of others in the future.

 2 years ago 

@jasn1 gracias por compartirnos esta historia personal, me parecio muy interesante conocer como es el proceso de formación académica en Nigeria. Te felicito por superar cada etapa como estudiante y mantener muy claros tus objetivos, me alegra que consideres que tu mejor etapa ha sido durante tu formación en el Cuerpo Nacional de Servicio Juvenil (NYSC) y espero pronto leerte mas acerca de tu experiencia en este año de servicio.

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Hola @jeasn1, que bueno que ere un joven que a apreciado sus tiempos en sus estudios y logro llegar hacer prefecto. Lo mejor es que se ha enfocado con su estudio.

 2 years ago 

Hermosa historia de lucha, superación y preparación académica la cual es fundamental para desempeñarnos en el campo laboral.

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