Steemit Engagement Challenge S5W5 | My valuessteemCreated with Sketch.

in Scouts y sus Amigos2 years ago (edited)

Hello fellow steemians this is my entry for this week's engagement challenge titled "my values".


Values are what we cherish and believe in. Life itself is guided by values both personally and in our society at large. Our values define who we are. Our actions and decisions are all guided by our values ( what we place as priority).

pexels-cottonbro-studio-4040835.jpgimage source

What are values?

When the word value comes to mind You'd likely imagine something of ultimate importance in your life.

Values are like goals that we yearn to achieve. Values are not inflexible. That is, they can be changed or adjusted which makes them dynamic, and able to suit any behavior or circumstances.

IMG_20220403_124606_8.jpgme doing one of those things i love doing most


It is essential to clarify what your values are as this would help you keep focus on things that count most to you in life. Furthermore, if somebody or something comes around to question your values and personality, you can be sure of yourself hence will be less probable to doubt yourself.

Screenshot_20221108-212505.pngphoto of myself enjoying the cool of the day


Values are flexible because they are controlled by culture and the people around us. They are designed from the time of our birth, but we learn to choose the values that resound with us at any given situation.

Values can originate from any of these:

  • Family: Our siblings, our parents and other relatives often times influence our decisions and hence our values.
  • Those in higher authorities: Political leaders, teachers, religious leaders, etc.
  • Peers: our friends and colleagues.
  • Society: neighbors, nation, surroundings.
  • Media: influencial persons, celebrities.


As a youngster I've always wanted to be great and achieve success in my academics. That has always been my goal (value).

When it was time to graduate from secondary school, like every other graduating student i was to sit for the final exam that was to grant me my SSCE (senior secondary school certificate examination) certificate.

The first year i wrote and my results was cancelled. I sat for the exam the next year but still had my results cancelled. A lot of my friends suggested that i forget about school and do other things but because of the value i placed on my academics i wrote the exam the next year and fortunately for me i got my complete clean result.


You are what you say you are. Never let anyone decide your fate. Know what you want and stand by it.

I would like to invite @ruthjoe, @kevinblaq, @kinase and any other person interested in this contest to CLICK HERE for more information.

Thanks for always going through my posts


Cierto amigo. Los valores son como metas con debemos lograr y vivir con ellos cada etapa de nuestras vidas.

Los Valores determinan nuestra personalidad.

Tienes buenos valores y eso te hace un ser valioso. Te deseo mucha suerte en el concurso


Thanks for your good feed back


Greetings brother...

I must say I love to see the man you are becoming.

Life itself is guided by values both personally and in our society at large.

Very true, as values are what makes life worth living, without good values, life is nothing but chaos.

Happy Belated birthday 🎉 my brother, I hope you forgive me... I've been very busy lately, I hope you understand. Good luck and have a very wonderful day.

Thanks for the birthday wishes 😃and I understand that you have been busy lately.

Wow great message my brother.

 2 years ago 

Me gusta mucho tu forma de describir lo que son los Valores, y es que realmente estos no se pueden ajustar ni darle una propia forma o interpretación. Estos son los que marcan nuestra forma de comportarnos y de reaccionar ante diferentes situaciones en nuestra vida.

Así que es por ello que son tan importantes y hay que enseñar a los niños, ya que esto va a ser determinante en su desarrollo, y puede hacerles el camino mas fácil de transitar si se comportan de forma correcta.

Thanks for stopping by.

Such a nice and beautiful article you have here for us friend. I agree with your point that values are dynamic. People could change in their values and behaviors which based on how it was instilled in them. I over the value you have placed on your education, it is positive and will sure profit you in the nearest future.

Thanks for sharing friend, and goodluck in this contest. #steem-on.

I will appreciate if you equally engage on Mine

Thanks for your commendation

 2 years ago 

Muy interesante la definición que expones acerca de los valores amigo:

Los valores son flexibles porque están controlados por la cultura y las personas que nos rodean. Están diseñados desde el momento de nuestro nacimiento, pero aprendemos a elegir los valores que resuenan con nosotros en cualquier situación dada.

Excelente participación, éxitos en el concurso.

Thanks for the feedback

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