SEC - S8W4 "Does everything end with death ?" 25 % beneficiary to #null

in Scouts y sus Amigoslast year (edited)


Hello energetic people of @scouts and their friends hope you are doing great I am also good. I am feeling very honored while taking part in engagement challenge s8w4. The topic of the contest is incredible, and I decided to share my participation.

Before I start sharing my post I would like to invite my dear friends @ashkhan, @m-fdo, @suboohi, and @rabnawazsardar to take part in this sensational challenge ** Does everything end with death**.

Do you believe in life after death?

Yes, death is natural thing and we have to die one day. As a Muslim,i do believe in it; we have to leave this World and new eternal life will be started. It is the Holy Quran verse number 64 sura Al. Ankabut,


A verse is taken from Holy Quran

"The World's life is momentary and real life will start after death but we don't know it"

There are many verses in the Holy Quran where Allah tells us death will come and soon we will return to Allah Almighty and then a new life would be startup for never ending.

Allah says in Holy Quran, Sura Younas verse number 24.

"He called us toward eternal life and show the right path to whom he wanted".


Verse took from Holy Quran

So it's very clear from these verses real life is after death life and we are created to do good deeds as we can ready ourselves for eternal assessment.

Do you think of death as something natural, or do you avoid everything related to this subject?

Death is the realistic thing, we are created by Allah almighty for glorification and good deeds and soon we have to leave this World forever, life is greater blessing of Allah Almighty. But we had forgotten everything in the entertainment of the World's life. While real life is waiting for it.

As Allah says in verse 185 of Sura Al Imran'


Verse took from Holy Quran

The current world's life is nothing but a transient satisfaction of illusion.

As Allah told in Quran Pak the World is a temporary place of enjoyment we are living for the short term and we are in illusions of its beauty and charm. We had forgotten the bitter reality of death.

As a Muslim Holy Quran teaching everything to me I couldn't avoid anything I accept it all from my heart. As who is created in this world will leave this Planet. It's only for short-term stay.

Have you ever been in a situation that put you at risk of death, what did you feel

The fear of death is very powerful its happened ften in my life. Once I was ill with and severe fever I tablet of anti allergic due to my illness, and as I took it my breath broken down and shortened, I came downstairs to tell my husband about the situation, i fell down and unconscious, my husband took me yo hospital. whenever I remembered I got in fearful conditions and thought about the life beauty and how terrible is death feeling.


The second event took place I was traveling in bus, weather waxms severe cold due to fog visibly was zero, bus moved out from track and fell down in deep place, glass door broken. Few people died while other injured, thank God I had little injuries but I have seen the death very close to me. I still felt its fear.

How do you want to be remembered after death?

As death is bilogical process and no one realizes it only Allah knows it. I remember it every day so that I may take off from sins and do only good deeds in my life. I always try to be good with others either in dealing or in relation or friendship.

I wish people remember me in good words they don't abuse me, remembered me in words. Although it may not happen, it depends on the

It's all about my today's post about the topic it all ends with death, I have tried to share my views, now waiting for positive feedback as its inspiration for me to improve my contents.

Kind Regards

 last year 

Hola amiga!!

Efectivamente la muerte es algo sumamente natural, por eso debemos tratar de comportarnos correctamente libres de pecados, de esta forma cuando nos llegue el juicio final podremos tener vida eterna.

Muy terribles las situaciones por las que has pasado, Dios a cuidado de ti en esas dos oportunidades tan graves tanto la de estar inconsciente en un hospital como el accidente del autobús.

¡¡Éxitos en el concurso!!

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Thank you for verification and commendation

 last year 

Realmente la muerte es el fin de nuestro proceso de desarrollo comos eres humanos, pero aun despues de morir existe la esperanza de disfrutar de una vida eterna en la que no tendremos que lidiar con el dolor, enfermedades o tristezas.

Solo debemos encargarnos de dejar la mejor huella posible en nuestra vida al ser persona de obras buenas y con bueno sentimientos.

 last year 

You're right with all with you have said. We have to believe in life after death so that we can't miss the opportunity of enjoying the life. I wish you best of luck.

dear @drhira first of all I thank you for inviting me to your post and when I read your entire post and saw all the pictures I am very impressed you have explained everything in detail. I like the post very much and I hope you will get support.

Saludos @adriana. Que bueno que en medio de ese terrible accidente donde personas fallecieron usted salio muy bien a pesar de la magnitud de lo que ocurrió.


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