
in STEEM CN/中文4 months ago (edited)

五一长假期间,发生在广州梅州高速公路上的一起,把交通事故引起了全国的关注。该处路段因为连日的暴雨冲刷发生了塌方。一侧路面完全塌成了一个大坑。很多车辆掉进了坑里现场。从抖音短视频上的现场视频来看,非常的惨烈。到目前为止,已经有将近50人遇难。 在大坑表面的汽车都有起火的现象。还有汽车被埋进了土里。遇难的人员还没有被挖掘出来。像这样的五一长假自驾游很多都是一家人一起出游的。虽然在官方的新闻里面的遇难人数只是轻飘飘的一个数字。但这是48人的遇难人数,到底意味着多少个家几近灭门。真是不敢想象。



During the May Day holiday, a traffic accident occurred on the Meizhou Expressway in Guangzhou, which attracted the attention of the whole country. The section of the road collapsed due to the hot rainstorms. One side of the road completely collapsed into a large pothole. Cell phone. Many vehicles fell into the pit at the scene. The short video of Red Douyin looks at the live video, which is very tragic. So far, nearly 50 people have been killed. OK. And. A lot. Car on the surface of a vacuum. There are fires, and cars are buried in the cheap. The people killed have not been killed. Dig it out. There are many self-driving trips like this during the May Day holiday. Traveling together as a family. Although the number of people in the official news is only fluttering. A number. But it's a fact that the huge popularity of 8 people means how many families post cover doors. It's hard to imagine. I sent it to you. Okay, 10,000 bucks. Of course, this major accident. I can't find anything now, he's you. Triggered by natural disasters. You, although the local officials do not need to be responsible for this, are more generous, but the numbers are not the most serious accidents. Although this was a mistake, it may not be blamed for who couldn't roar. You. But it also insists on a very serious and worrying warning. In the first decade of the 21st century, China's economy rose rapidly, and domestic infrastructure construction was also booming. But. Anyone who has ever bought a car knows that buying a car and using the maintenance in the car are two different things. Especially for luxury cars, being able to afford a luxury car does not necessarily mean that you can afford a luxury car. The same is true for infrastructure like highways. In the long term, with maintenance, the resources required in the process are likely to be far more than those of the construction, Gao Tongmu and the Russian army. Then my study and practice is an inevitable fate. This has created a problem, in the past 20 years, many infrastructure projects in the country have been carried out by local governments. Brush GDP. The evidence is created without taking into account the actual needs of society. Now the economy is starting to decline, and the local revenue generation is decreasing. Infrastructure maintenance. You can put it all in. It doesn't seem to be optimistic. Then I think it will be like this in the future. The next rain is going to collapse. The discovery of basic workers, foundation works may be more and more, and life will become more and more unsafe. This is by no means alarmist. In ancient and modern times, many empires in China and abroad liked to build public works on a large scale when they were strong. The name of the book is the city of Rome. The Great Wall of China. Pyramids of Egypt. Nowadays these. The glorious and magnificent heroes of the beginning have become historical relics. The only value is to make tourists sightseeing. Thinking of the past, only a few projects have survived to this day, such as Wu Jiayan and the Grand Canal. At present, this crisis can be solved in a new way, and I think there is only one way to marketize, such as highways. As long as you stick to the consumption system. If this highway does. Help. The life and production of local residents. Then he should be profitable, so that he can take it out of the profit and rely on the subsidy of the town finance to maintain. This highway guarantees and driving safety, while those that lose money. It can show that he creates benefits and satisfies the needs that are satisfied. It is not worth investing so many resources for him, and he can only let him become a legacy of China's rapid economic development in the first 20 years. The ruins are almost ready for people to hang on.


Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.


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