
in STEEM CN/中文3 days ago









做一说川普和拜登的竞选吧。昨天说到两人的第一次辩论当中,电视辩论当中,拜登脑态尽显人能力和思维能力完全表现出来的语言能力、自维能力和注意完全不是川普的对手。在随后的几天,更多的幕后,更多的幕后视频被发布到网上。对拜登来说,及时痛打落水狗。比如在正式播出时,被part掉的两人的退场班普是自信的一个人走下台的。在川普退场之后,拜登还愣在台上很长时间不知所措,也许他根本就没有意识到辩论已经结束了,最后还是他的妻子,后来安抚他走下演播台的另一段视频更加离谱。因为这场辩论是由灯红苗正的左媒CNN举办的,从规则制定者的选择是由跟最大的可能并顾拜登。所以严格来说,这场辩论对川普来说并不公平。然而,在辩论当中,拜登仍然本能的走神。在一个视频当中可以清楚的看到,当男主持人向两位总统竞选竞选人提问的时候,女主持人在不动声色的用手势和眼神,这样正在提问的男主持人来引导拜登的注意力。最果一场电视辩论都需要在台前幕后的各色人物如此操纵暗示才能完成,而且完成的效果还极差。那么很难想象,拜登担任总统无利的进行决策,应对复杂的国际和国内形势,他必然也是在同样的一帮人的操纵下的傀儡。如果总统是傀儡的话,那选举拜登当总统又有什么意义呢?尽管左派当道的主流媒体想尽办法替拜登找补贬低川普的表现,做他的演讲,做他的辩论词,谎话连篇,但川普的表现至少来说不说是至少来说是及格的。然后在拜登拉垮衬托下就显得很牛逼了。而且在演讲在辩论中还有这样一段表述,可以说很大程度上抬高了川普的格局。因为在整场辩论当中,拜登全部都部在因为川普进行攻击,甚至是在提到他那个不争气的缉毒腐败的大儿子时,恼羞成怒,说自己的儿子不是失败者和混蛋loser and suger.你川普才是一个失败者和混蛋,虽然川普也在不停的攻击拜登,但基本上是对事不对。人说拜登干的很糟糕是最糟糕的。美国总统。当然,拜登也用同样的话会击了川普。但是在这些人身攻击当中,川普也有这样一番表白。他说你知道吗?我其实很希望拜登这家伙能够干好。如果他把美国治理的好的话,我根本不会又站在这里,我会在我用我的很多处打房子里面安享晚年,我也不会成为他的政治对手。现在我关系缠身,就是因为他就是因为我是他的政治对手,他在用执法手段迫害我退败者和川普可以不管这个烂摊子,安心做好我安心过好我的生活。但是我不能这样,因为他干的太糟了,所以我必须站出来让美国再次伟大这一段表述明显。可以说是这场辩论当中为数不多的调比较高的话,至少他在一开始表现出来相当的善意,所以他能能够干好总统,只是事与愿违。而拜登的演讲里面确实充满了对川普的恶意。当然还是那句话。如果一句话是从政客嘴里说出来的,他肯定不是真的,至少不可能是百分之百争。所以这句这段话也不可能是川普真正的心声。他这次付出也确实和民主党有很大的关系。因为现在很明显,川普作为一个外来者,并不是建制派中的一员,这使得表面上的两党政治之争,不再是以前那样的圈内人士的分配了进行各种交易和妥协。川普作为非建制派的外来者,某种程度上成了是党派之争,变成了之争的矛盾,变得更加尖锐。治党不会因为川普承认败选放弃,就停止对川普的追杀,这就是政治的逻辑。对于不是自己人或最好的办法就是斩草除根。所以即使在川普借任的这几年,对他的政治追杀也从来没有停过这样呢政治斗争逻辑,古今中外都没有变过。李世民发动玄武门之变,杀死了自己的兄弟,同样还要将他的子女斩草除根是一个道理。所以川普如果站出来再次向白宫发起冲击,那么面临他的也只有这政治上被民主党消灭的结局,会不会走到肉体消灭那一步?

In the recent political arena, the election debate between Trump and Biden once again became the focus of public attention. In their first debate, Biden showed the language skills, thinking skills and attention that were especially prominent in his battle with Trump. In the days after the debate, however, some behind-the-scenes videos were posted online, damaging Biden's image.

One edited video, for example, shows Biden appearing stunned on stage after Trump confidently walked off the stage alone, seemingly unaware that the debate was over. Eventually, it was his assistant who helped him off the stage. Another video shows debate organizers appearing to accommodate Biden as much as possible, leaning toward making everything from the rules to the selection easier for him. That made the debate seem unfair to Trump.

Still, Mr. Biden appeared distracted during the debate. In one video, the female moderator can be seen quietly directing Biden's attention with hand gestures and eyes as the male moderator asks questions of the two presidential candidates. If a televised debate requires so much behind-the-scenes maneuvering to pull off, and the results are not satisfactory, it is hard to see how Biden could handle a complex international and domestic situation as president. Will he become the puppet of those who pull the strings?

However, despite the mainstream media's attempts to defend Biden and criticize Trump's speech and debate rhetoric, Trump's performance was at least a passing grade. On the back of Biden's poor performance, Trump's performance is even better. There was another statement Trump made during the debate that dramatically boosted his profile. Biden attacked Trump almost continuously throughout the debate, even making an emotional rebuttal in reference to his underdog oldest son, who has been accused of corruption, saying that his son is not a loser and a jerk, but Trump is.

While Trump has also attacked Biden, his attacks have been more policy than personal, criticizing Biden's poor performance and calling him the worst U.S. president. Biden fired back at Trump with similar words, but in the midst of the personal attacks, Trump expressed a wish, saying, "You know what, I really want Joe to do a good job." If he had been able to govern America well, I would not be standing here, but living out my old age in one of the many great houses I own. I won't be his political enemy, and I won't be tied up in lawsuits because of him. But because he did such a bad job, I had to step up and make America great again."

That passage stood out during the debate, and at least at the beginning, Trump was quite good-natured, hoping that Biden would be up to the job. Biden's speech, however, was filled with venom for Trump. Of course, we should also be aware that the words of politicians are often not completely true, and Trump's words may not be his true heart. His comeback has a lot to do with the Democratic Party because, as an outsider, he is not part of the establishment, which makes the partisan battle more acute.

Trump's status as a non-establishment outsider makes the contradictions of partisanship all the more apparent. It is the logic of politics that even if he concedes defeat, the political hunt for him will not stop. The best thing you can do when you're not one of your own is eliminate the threat altogether. So even after Trump left office, the political hunt for him never stopped. This logic of political struggle has never changed at all times. Just as Lee Shimin launched the Xuanwumen revolution, killed his brother and wiped out the roots of his children, Trump will face complete political annihilation if he launches another attack on the White House.


Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

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