Reasons Why Broiler Chicken Is Bad For You

in Steemit-Garden2 years ago

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Chicken is high in proteins, amino acids, calcium, vitamin B3, magnesium, vitamins B6, and a number of other minerals. However, not all types of chicken are healthy, notably broiler chicken.

Antibiotics and other possibly harmful chemicals are given to certain broilers. The growth of these compounds is accelerated to 40 days. Regular intake of broiler chicken might be harmful to your health.

Here are three good reasons to stay away from broiler chicken.

1. They contain a lot of harmful fats.

Broiler chicken has a lot of unhealthy fats that are bad for your health and fitness. Broiler chicken consumption has been related to obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure (hypertension), and a range of other ailments, especially when grilled at a high temperature. As a result, eating less broiler chicken and instead opting for natural, well-bred chickens is advised.

2. They include compounds that might be dangerous.

To make them develop faster than they would naturally, broilers are administered dangerous insecticides, antibiotics, and growth hormones. This helps to explain why some broiler chicks are bigger and more fleshy than others. The presence of these potentially harmful chemicals in broiler chicken meat might harm your health. These chemicals may do more damage than good to your health.

3. They contain a lot of antibiotics.

Broiler hens are administered antibiotics throughout the breeding process to keep them from acquiring illnesses and to help them grow fast. A recent research found that eating broiler chicken three times a week is similar to receiving three antibiotic injections.

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