SLC22-W6 // "Donas"


Steemit Iron Chef
SLC22-W6 // "Donas"

Hello everyone, pastry chef friends, it feels great to be able to participate again in the course this time, which is guided by our great teachers @dasudi @lirvic, the theme is making donuts, which is my favorite theme.

¿Usted ha preparado Donas? Cuéntenos su experiencia.

🍩 as I have said that donuts are my and my family's favorite snack, of course I have made various kinds of donuts starting from donuts filled with potato donuts and donuts sprinkled with chocolate sprinkles glaze because in my area it is also very easy to find various kinds of donuts, but I often make chocolate glaze donuts because I think these donuts are very delicious and most importantly this is my family's favorite

¿Cuáles son sus favoritas, las glaseadas, azucaradas o rellenas?

🍩my favorite donut is a chocolate glaze donut with a sprinkling of nuts. This is my favorite donut because in my opinion, a chocolate donut with a combination of chocolate glaze and peanut crumbs tastes really amazing. Yups, you could say that this is an amazing donut, sweet, soft and crunchy with peanuts, making every bite feel so special.

Elabore una receta de donas, puedes realizar la receta presentada en este curso o la receta de su preferencia (detalle utensilios, ingredientes y paso a paso)

Here I will share my favorite donut recipe for me and my family.

Ingredients A:


250 grams of wheat flour
1 whole egg
1 egg yolk
40 grams of granulated sugar
3 grams of yeast
85 grams of cold water
15 grams of powdered milk

Ingredients B:

25 grams margarine
2 grams salt

How to make:

  • The first step is to add 250 g of wheat flour, add all the dry ingredients including powdered milk, yeast, granulated sugar and then add one whole egg and one egg yolk, then add 85 g of cold water, stir until everything is evenly mixed.

  • Then knead the dough until it is half smooth. If it is half smooth, add margarine and salt, then knead again until the dough is smooth. A smooth dough will make the donuts feel softer.

  • Then after that cut the dough into 36 grams. Then round the dough until it is solid. Then rest the dough while covering it for 20 minutes.

  • After resting for 20 minutes, take the dough and flatten it, then make a hole in the middle and do this until it is all used up.

  • Then proof it openly until the dough doubles in size from before. After that, prepare oil in a frying pan. Fry the donuts at a temperature of 160°C. After that, slowly add the donut dough.

  • Then don't forget to turn the dough. Here I only turn the dough once so that it doesn't absorb a lot of oil into the donut dough. After all the donuts have been fried, I start decorating them with several toppings. Among them are chocolate, sprinkled nuts, strawberry donuts, and chocolate sprinkles donuts.

Here is a picture after it is finished





¿Presentó alguna dificultad en la elaboración de sus donas?

🍩 I think there is no difficulty in making donuts as long as we know some tricks in making donuts because as we know donuts look easy to make. However, we should not underestimate this because if we do not know the special tricks in making donuts, it will make our donuts unsatisfactory, such as dough that is elastic, making the dough softer. In addition, I also really enjoy the process of making donuts because this is one of my favorite snacks so I enjoy all the processes.

¿Tienes algún consejo especial para la elaboración de las donas? Compartelo.

🍩 Here I have some special tips for making donuts. Based on my personal experience in making donuts:

📌 The dough will make the donuts softer and rise perfectly

📌 When frying donuts, try not to turn them over too much because this can cause the donuts to absorb a lot of oil.

📌 Do not use too much yeast. If the flour measurement is 250 g, then only use 3 g of yeast.

📌 If you want tall white ring donuts, don't skip the degassing stage. This is the stage of creating gas in the dough, then proofing the dough again until it doubles in size.

📌 The time for mixing the dough is uncertain, it can be half an hour or more, this depends on the ambient temperature.

Here are some tips for making soft and chewy donuts, my version. I hope they are useful.

Invitation of a friend to attend this course @ulfatulrahmah @chant @jyoti-thelight


Hi Readers and Steemians, Thank you for reading and visiting my posts which are 100% copyrighted by myself, my own content, writings and photos, taken with the iPhone 11 pro Smartphone.

Who is @yaumilahya?.jpg

Who is @yaumilahya?

yaumilahya is a housewife
whose hobby is cooking, traveling, gardening and likes something unique, likes the latest things and challenges, but this is where I channel my talents, and start to learn a lot more from all my friends, and I am very happy to be able to make friends with my great friends who come from various countries, happy to be friends with everyone, I hope you never get bored of reading my posts, and if your friends like it, don't forget to reblog my post, greetings friends from yaumilahya❤️

Thank you for your visit

Best Regards @yaumilahya

 2 months ago 

Wow me encanta la decoración que usastes en tus donas están bien bonitas,.tu descripción del paso a paso muy bien elaborada y los tips que compartes muy acertados por cierto no sabía eso de si le das muchas vueltas a las donas absorben demasiado aceite gracias por el tips

salam teman terimakasih banyak saya senang mengetahui bahwa anda menyukai resep donat yang saya bagikan 🤗

Wah sangat ngiler sekali liat donatnya kak🤤topingnya benar benar menggunggah selera sekali,sukses terus ya kak

Iya nih kak enak banget yuk di coba resep nya kak🤗

 2 months ago 

Hola hola amiga.
Quiero felicitarte por esas donas, aparte de lindas deben estar muy ricas. Mi favorita es la que tiene maní.
Este postre aquí en mi país es muy popular, lleva un poco de trabajo, prefiero comprarlas

wah teman anda benar sekali donat adalah makanan penutup yang sangat lezat sekali

 2 months ago 

Que lindas y creativas las donas que realizaste, me parece que visualmente son muy llamativas y eso sin duda es el primer paso para atraer a los comensales. Como dicen, la comida entra primero por los ojos :)

salam teman terimakasih banyak atas komentar baik nya , saya senang anda menyukai nya semoga harimu menyenangkan teman🤗

The donuts are so beautiful, it would be a shame to eat them. Good luck.

terimakasih kak atas komentar baik nya semoga sukses juga untuk mu🤗


Saludos y bendiciones. Tus donas se ven muy bonitas. Me imagino que quedaron muy ricas. Felicidades muy lindo tu trabajo.

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